Mercenary Re-Recruitment


Approved user
Apr 30, 2015
Hey people, I love how when you attack you get to keep the troops that survive. I think that there should be a way to do this with mercenaries as well. My idea is that if you have mercenaries that survive after a battle, you should have the option to re-recruit. When you re-recruit them it will be for a smaller amount of trade goods, (50% of original maybe). Let me know what you guys think!

David Pasquinel

Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
Mercenaries fight for payment, once per military campaign/operation, so their 'one time use' seems fair and accurate. If they were treated as in-game regulars, people would rely on them too much. Besides, if you do some raiding and do some research to tech you up, having a full inventory of trading goods becomes more and more frequent, so it is not that hard to recruit mercs again.

I would prefer choosing individually which mercenary squad I can deploy in battle, instead of unleashing all of them at once.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2015
I agree with David, Its really annoying that when you deploy your mercs that all of them should be unleashed, especially if you have some good mercs and you want to save them for a later time in the raid. I say that they should make it so that every time you tap the merc tab, it sends out the mercs in order of how you payed them ie if you payed for Persian heavy cav then greek jav thats the order of the merc deployment


Approved user
Apr 30, 2015
You would still be recruiting mercs it's just that it would be optional if they survived from a previous battle. There could be a pop-up screen when you return to base asking if you wanted to re-enlist them and how much it would cost. You would still pay with trade goods but instead of them costing 10 leather and 8 metal maybe it would be 8 leather and 6 metal to recruit them for another battle.


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
I agree that a more selective way of deploying mercs would be great. Even if was just by individual "recruiting units" if not by single individual troop. So that you could send your archers but hold your cav or vice versa etc.