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My Pick from Dominations' Review


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
I really like the game but... by Calikid24/7
The game is fun. I’ve played for many many hours and have spend probably about 40 bucks on it. Probably not much compared to others but it’s just so expensive to buy crowns. Like 100 dollars for 14k crowns and the upgrades cost so much it’s like 1-2k crowns rn just to upgrade one thing cause the time takes so long. So like once you get to the Industrial Age everything is so long and costly. I would have to spend 1000 dollars to just get to the next age with out waiting 10 plus days per upgrade or being super low tec. The heck is wrong with this company. Lower the cost to upgrade. If not the cost, the time. If I played and didn’t buy a single thing it would take like 3-6 months just to upgrade the buildings to what they need to be. 10 day wait for most buildings now or like 2k+ crowns. Geez. Wish there was a company in the 21st century that didn’t nickel and dime you. I mean I get it they want max profits and want to weave out the true player nations who is willing to wait or pay to the top. Just shorten the upgrade time or crown cost please. Like what are they doing with all the money they make anyways. Definitely not improving the game. Even tho it’s good it could be truly the way better if the developers just put some attention to detail an fixed some things instead of chillin on a beach sippin mojitos.

If you like waiting forever to upgrade by BamBamWham
Editors choice ???? Really? Bring your wallet. There is little daily play outside of 10 minutes before the cash real money clock rings. Upgrades take 5,6,7 days. Pointless. I can play Kingdom Age all day and never spend a dime. Sure upgrades take time, but at least there is a ton of daily game play. Dominations is a low value, little game play time app that is a waste of time and poor value if you like to burn hard earned cash! Deleted!

Doesn’t give you what they offer and buggy by Nickst0987654321
They offer in game currency through a third party company. The company hasn’t been giving the currency. You follow the complaint process but you still don’t get it. They give you no explanation. Then Dominations support blames the third party company. The game is buggy too. Doesn’t consistently behave how you expect it to. Nexon is driving this game towards needing to pay to be competitive.
World war matchmaking by Rocker2125
You guys need to fix the world war matchmaking since for some reason our clan gets to fight people who are 50lvls higher than us or more. It really gives us no chance to win
Too many bugs by Kengibs
Make sure when you play this game that all notifications and I mean all notifications are off. If you get kicked out of an attack you lose everything including the attack as well as all troops. It’s ok unless your in the middle of war, then you’re just screwed and all they tell you is ‘sorry’ can’t help you!

Same bug for over a year by tbonescott
I like the game but will give it 1 star because of a bug that has been so for over a year. If you try to train more than 1 Tactic and you log off before they are complete (each one takes about 30 minutes and I currently have 5 slots) the last one will not start until you log back in. So, you have to wait about 30 more minutes if you want to attack with all of your power. I have repeatedly contacted support about this and always get back some stock answer. The frustration is that they keep inventing more ways for you to pay for upgrades. Very poor development.

Excellent game but... by UnratedMike
Amazing game and I love playing it. I hate that it takes long to research and build but it's fine. Still fun and you can still battle others. One thing that pisses me off is that more than once I told my troops to attack a certain building and there was a glitch where they'd go completely a different direction costing me the battle. Please fix and then I'll give this app 5 stars

Another boring game : limited worker and very long time for upgrading everything by Th8545
If you want more resources, you have to attack other players. You can guess that it will be the same as other game. The game is always match you with much more stronger player to you. I want to play, but there is nothing to enjoy. The higher level will take several days for upgrading your buildings and army. How can I enjoy playing this kind of game?


Approved user
Jul 25, 2017
all these reviews are absolutely on point. TinSoldier , how come u never address the major concerns as far as their business model and their way of developing the game?! Ive been with Domi for about 2 years now, lvl 233 German. Seriously, They havnt changed the way crowns are being sold or distributed, and the ridiculous wait times for buildings, also the worker issue. The Devs take forever to acknowledge these fundamental flaws within the game. Think about it, 21 days to clear ONE forest patch?? And the whole Uni implementation is a trick to get us to grind more and spend more. Moctezuma is great, but why do we have to research forest time? Even when i maxed it, my forest patches are still taking 15 days to complete?? for one!! 4 workers for each tower?? 6 workers per garrison??? why cant the devs and TinSoldier be transparent about what has happened to the game! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, i will QUIT and get MANY to follow suit if you guys dont respond to MANY MANY major fundamental flaws within this once promising all time great game.
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Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
the idea that things get slower over time (without end); it initially killed my interest completely and i took months off of touching dominaitons ...
but it's their design choice and their business model, so it's not really a 'flaw' except it's irritating ...

but the fact that we as players have to figure that out and detach from it is a messaging problem; each player has to figure out on their own how it works, and evaluate if that is ok.
for a lot of players it's not ok, but it takes a while to figure that out .. and where the 'line' is.

i think the business model is that when they reach that point they will become a paying customer, but there's a problem in that the player has to go through an irritation cycle first; i think that some good messaging might curtail problems.


Approved user
Jul 25, 2017
14k crowns for 100 bux, will get u absolutely no where! i believe one upgrade which is about 13 day average in Atomic Age, is almost 2k crowns! The Ads will give just 3 crowns per video!! rarely now is it 25 crowns or more for a video, also the offers for free crowns page is junk, most of those offer very low crowns compared to the time it takes to get them or not even get them at all! Also, why did the developers sneak in worker increase for every GA and AA building upgrade?? I can confidently say, Stables, garrisons, towers, Castles SHOULD NOT increase in workers to upgrade them. The dock has not been that useful at all, and mine is at lvl 7. only the 6hr and 12 hr voyage are ever done, the invention of the Stronghold to emphasize heavier troop card usage on the game is ONLY to gain revenue, World wars has been evolving tooo slow. lvl 10 perk for all donations to be global by default is baffling to me. Why is that perk at LVL10?! Ruby usage has been non existent! Marco polo is a scam and EVERYONE knows it


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
mhm ... i think there are clear fumbles here... but their business model does seem sound if done well.

what we are seeing today if i may divine it ... is a result of bad adaptation; they want players to adapt into their vision but it's kind of broken (nothing's perfect), and instead of adapting themselves they are hardening and creating dissonance. in the end i'm not upset with increasing build times ... i'm upset that they have threatened the relationship between player enjoyment and their profitability. do we not see this in our current confusion?

from a business perspective, they should help players have fun, be relaxed, and thus motivated to invest in their enjoyment.
i offer criticism from appreciation, not belligerence, that they are doubling down on conceptual errors and 'backing away' from players when they should adapt.
we suspect that they can't get the purchases to meet unreasonable expectations, and things are fragmenting... it feels scary.

the design is pretty good; the game from dawn -> EA is excellent, top notch; i wish i could reset it and do it again..... i enjoy taking apart a base like a chess or GO puzzle. (GO >>>> chess btw)
i think that in turning that hook into a successful growing game, economy trumped art.. but it's hard to know from the outside. the bug parade is just the metric we see.
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Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Game was fine until it turned into a pay to win game. Fix that and it will be fine. Only other thing they need to change is to keep the worker requirement the same for buildings regardless of age. It's doubly frustrating when not only the build times increase but also the worker requirement. Pick one or the other, but not both!


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
the idea that things get slower over time (without end); it initially killed my interest completely and i took months off of touching dominaitons ...
but it's their design choice and their business model, so it's not really a 'flaw' except it's irritating ...

but the fact that we as players have to figure that out and detach from it is a messaging problem; each player has to figure out on their own how it works, and evaluate if that is ok.
for a lot of players it's not ok, but it takes a while to figure that out .. and where the 'line' is.

i think the business model is that when they reach that point they will become a paying customer, but there's a problem in that the player has to go through an irritation cycle first; i think that some good messaging might curtail problems.
I don't believe it's a messaging issue, it's a fundamental mechanic of life.
You build up a demand base, then you make people depend on your product. This way you build up a lifetime business.
Whether you're talking about a smart phone, or a clothing label, or a type of car, or a brand of coffee, etc. That's business.
You get people hooked with freebies or special deals, then you start selling at normal prices. Dominations is no different to any other business. Except Dominations prices have hardly changed since day 1 AND the prices have been advertised since day 1. Very transparent imo.
The problem is ignorant, immature people who expect to be given something for free for the rest of their lives.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
''They havnt changed the way crowns are being sold or distributed''
Isn't that a good thing?
How many companies do you know that don't raise their prices every year to match inflation?


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
ok, well it's my first game of this type, so it may be just me getting used to it.
i see the longer work times and worker management being a chief complaint ....
but if they shorten times they just have to extend/add jobs ... that tension is the meat of the game, so it seems like a meaningless complaint.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
shukra , granted there are things wrong with the game, many frustrating, ongoing things, but people rarely give reviews with their brains. People give reviews with their emotions.
But of course the negative ones always seem like the majority. If that were the case the rating would be closer to 1 than 4.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Most reviews come from early on within the game's progress, especially by the "do you like this game, give it a 5 star rating!" part (where a lot of people do exactly that)
Now I forgot whether this game has that moment also, but it still stands most of the good reviews come from players early on where game problems aren't even close to surfacing. That's how games of this type that are much much worse than Dominations still have acceptable scores above 4.