• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Need to change the leader as old one is inactive!! (CS says get him to log in..smh)


Approved user
Nov 15, 2018
I am in an alliance for about 2.5 years now and we are close to level 14 perks. Our leader, who was an active player, has been off the radar for around 5 months now. WE are also not able to reach him through any other messaging platforms. We want to shift the leadership to our highest ranked player who is active, so that the group rules and settings can be changed and we could open it for more new players. Currently we are stuck at the medal setting our old leader set in before leaving and it is not possible to make any changes to the group settings. I had contacted the CS along with screen shot showing his absence for about 150 days, since their FAQ said the next one in line should contact them for change of leadership incase of prolonged absence of the leader and i am a co leader, and their reply was to get him to log in and they couldnt do anything else about it. 2-3 other coleaders also messaged the CS and got the same response. How could we get in touch with him if he is not available elsewhere. Surely there must be a way to change the leadership as we dont want to start from scratch in a new alliance because we would lose all our hard earned perk points.
TinSoldier , BHG_Muet: help us with a way to change leadership and retain the alliance.
Thanks in Advance
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Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Honestly there is no way to fix that you basically need a new alliance I have been playing for 4 years due to a game glitch about 2 years ago I was leading a team woke up out of the alliance a default iron base was made leader and because it was a blank account I could not get the leadership back had to duo it and make a new team

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Isn't it remarkable how powerless Nexon/BHG are over their own game? I realize that CS is outsourced to a third party but for as little as they're able to actually do I wonder why they even bother with that?


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
Isn't it remarkable how powerless Nexon/BHG are over their own game? I realize that CS is outsourced to a third party but for as little as they're able to actually do I wonder why they even bother with that?
No kidding. Telling OP to “make him log in” is top-tier customer support. Almost as useful as, “if you’re homeless, just get more money, get a job.”
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Approved user
Jun 17, 2019
Talking about CS heres the answer they gave me today when i asked them if we could get an update on the performance/lag issue (since here on the forum nobody answer)


Sorry to hear you're having some issues with the game. I'm sure you've already tried some of these troubleshooting steps, but in case you haven't, these might help:


If the problem persists, please feel free to contact us again and provide us with a thorough description on what you are experiencing.


What a bunch of useless, like everybody knows this issue for months 😒


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
Nonsense, cs is full of crap. They can change leader, and they did it for me a few times. They can remove multiple leaders, if you happen to run into that bug, so I'm sure they can add multiple leaders too. But 100% they can change current leader. Keep pressing them, and perhaps TinSoldier or BHG_Muet can help.


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
Yes it's lame that CS wont do anything to help but really there are far too many dead alliances floating around. People stick with them out of comfort but your honestly better off finding a new home. If you have a dedicated team then they will follow.