New ideas- some needed, some just thoughts


Approved user
May 22, 2016
Dominations ideas:

New chat- gunpowder unlock a chat for any1 that is your same nation (Japanese chat, etc),......
Global age- global chat- especially good for slower game later on

New tactic:
Bribe- 'take enemies defending generals with slight defect to attack only'
Costs gold to train

New tactic:
Sets buildings on fire in a range dealing high dmg over long period of time to buildings and low dmg to any defenders that enter the radius during this time but stay on fire if they leave the radius

New troop-
Place in forest or border- cannot move
Medium health-
High dmg-
Ranged attack building- slow attack speed
Targets walls and defensive buildings- splash dmg
(Turns into missile launcher)- global
Huge cost- long train time
Easily taken out by defenders

I like the idea of having a base or construct in an attack

New troop- global? Sniper
Slow attack speed archer with increased range low dmg, but increased dmg to defenders
( like a ballista against troops)
AI to stay behind- keeps defenders in range
Higher cost than archers

-slightly less troop space for guerrilla 10-12?

- a satellite in global or later that randomly shows a trap- increased with every lvl (up to lvl 3) so 3 random traps are seen and highlighted to avoid- troops will not set off traps or have a lower chance to set off traps?

What do u think? Some of these ideas i really want added and some... Idk?
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Approved user
May 31, 2016
I kind of like the idea of a sniper. Slow rate of fire, slow moving & and perhaps the ability to temporarily neutralize towers? This of course means a longer range then towers. Favorite targets being infantry, archers, other snipers & towers? Basically useless against armor, buildings & walls. Easily overwhelmed by defenders like the saboteur if zeroed in on. The sniper could "stick to the tree line" until all targets are exhausted and ignores the troop rally command. Would be an interesting unit to donate for defense (Might help negate the Brits +1??) Just my ramblings...