New NATION-SPECIFIC buildings would be nice.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2015
Each different Civilization type should have 2 or 3 buildings per AGE specific to THAT CULTURE. (I.e., only buildable, clickable, and viewable by members of that civilization. Over time, each civilization would develop in radically different ways. Invading Armies would see several different unknown buildings and say " What the hell is that"? On the first encounter, Their troops would have no idea whether to attack them or ignore them. ( Would you rather raid a guitar factory or a silver mine? ) For example, once the ground along the water is cleared, the British should be able to build Docks, Shipyards, and Ships to raid other Civilizations that are next to the water. ( Big bonus to Attack). The Chinese developed repeating crossbows and fireworks to shoot at their enemies- also, explosives for mining. (Sadly, not forks or cheese. ) Even though they developed chemicals that could be used as fertilizer, rural Chinese farming never really took advantage of that. ( the Americans did. ) The Game's Japanese culture is a bit of revisionist history; for more than a thousand years, the Japanese were very warlike and aggressive. It was ONLY after the country's defeat in World War II, and the forced re-writing of their constitution that they began being more passive and defensive. The Germans have almost always been in the leading edge of research, and the application of new technology. The Greeks were the founders of ( And SAVIORS of ) Western Civilization; they were known for education, philosophy, and Trade. The Romans were known for fantastic engineering, superb roads, and the development of advanced seige weapons. The French were known for great art, food, science, exploration, and (at one point, Armies ). Each of these Cultural differences offers the Game Designers at NEXON the chance to develop unique buildings to enhance these differences, as the different "WONDERS" do, but in a more realistic way.


Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
These are typical ideas for a game like Civilization or Age of Empire, but they are just too much for a city building and looting multi-player mobile game. Once top players reached the limit of the game and begin to compete for top ranks, those things become too hard to control. People will keep complaining about some buildings of another nation being overpower. If the designer could not balance them well (actually only a very few games in history could and all take a long time after game's releasing), people begin to leave.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
Just going to say serenity you need to stop these text walls. Separate your idea out into paragraphs will get more responses because more people will read.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Yea is stopped reading after the first sentence. Put you text wall in feature requests


Approved user
Jan 5, 2015
I don't think it's their problem that the have this 'text wall'. On my tablet, all my text just clumps into one big chunk

For example if I type this:

Hello my name is Jerome!

I am currently on the forum!

It would just clump up like this:

Hello my name is Jerome!I am currently on the forum!testtesttest