Nexon MUST implement rules to degrade long-time-offline alliance leaders


New member
Feb 8, 2018
As many other alliances we also have the problem, that the leader of our alliance never come online since over 100 days. So it's not possible to get new co-leader nor degrade them. So our active community has s great problem because we have only one co-leader (me) to organize and initialize world wars. Without an active leader our great community has no future.

Nexon-Support don't want (or is not able) to help.

This is not acceptable for us. The active members invest a lot of time, money and energy into this (now leaderless) alliance. We are buddies, who want to play together. But without a leader an alliance died a slowly dead. An alliance has no future without an active leader.

I think, this is a very common problem for many alliances and active players. Also maybe a reason why some active players leave this game.

One possible solution is:
Nexon has to create and implement a rule for leaders, which is tested in period times (like the reset of the donation of troops in the alliance overview):
If a leader is offline for (for example) 100 days, automatically the leadership is changed to the first co-leader comes online after the deadline. The old leader becomes a co-leader.
Nexon can extend this rule. For example: The old leader can't be fired or again becomes automatically the leader, if he/she comes online again.

This is only one of many possibilities to generally fix this problem for all players. And I am sure, this is a very common and big problem for the affected players.

Nexon, PLEASE, we need a solution - and not at the judgment day.

What does the community of domination-players think about that? Do you agree? Same problem? Better solutions?
Feel free to comment this post!

Thank you


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Would be nice if they did something. But if the alternative is an alliance death as you say, you can always start a new alliance. Yes you won't have the perks, but it doesn't take that long to catch up.


New member
Feb 8, 2018
An official Statement from Nexon with its future plans to solve this problem would be very nice.
Currently for the support its more important that the leader, whenever he come back are still the leader. Less important are the around 40 active members.

This is crazy!!!

And no Quovatis, it need weeks and months of playing WWs to get back the EPs. Work that the active member (not the leader) has done (in our case).