Please change AI for targeting buildings inside walls


Approved user
May 2, 2015
Please, please, please adjust the AI for troops targeting buildings inside walls.

I've lost numerous battles because my cannons (and other troops) target a building located out of range inside a walled area and then follow along the wall to get to a place where the building is in range... right into defenses. It's especially tragic when you have 100+ troop count wander right into a Redoubt, effectively destroying your entire army in a matter of seconds.

If my cannon targets a building inside a wall, it should destroy that wall trying to get to it--NOT travel 5 - 10 seconds along a wall and into peril trying to get to a spot where it can actually shoot at it.


Approved user
Jan 6, 2016
yes, good point, and i feel like my troops are bit stupid, like my range troops that should focus enemy infantry, they rather attack buildings untill they get hit or their previous target is destroyed, lets say they focus on town center and barrack just spawn new defending troops close by, they will stick on attacking town hall untill it's destroyed and not attacking troops that are already killing them

Raymond Schneider

Approved user
Dec 25, 2015
this is very true, and i have a problem when my troops break through a wall to destroy something and then you rally, the stupid troops instead of going back through the hole in the wall that's 2 wall pieces away they spend 4 to 6 seconds breaking through in again meanwhile being killed and we need selective rally , like click rally button and then click the button of the troops you want to rally then click a rally point for them and so on thanks Ray S