Please fix the performance issues


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
People want to leave our alliance because the game is just so laggy and it's a real shame because the update came out a while ago now (which introduced the lag) and I just think it's really bad not to make it a priority to fix it. Something like that should be fixed within days and not the many weeks it has actually been already with no fix in sight. I don't like to complain but when it reaches the point that players are leaving I think something needs to be said. Please try to address the performance issues as soon as possible. We like this game but the performance issues are sucking out the fun.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
yeah but don't tell it nobody...I'm going to open a post LOL

The funny thing is that considering that my old ipad stopped working I visited an apple store and the ipad pro was something like 2200 eur. So I decided to try to buy a huawei table (i don't recall the model) hoping that a new generation tablet was better than my old ipad. I just turned it up launched domination and once looked at the display I turned it off put it back into its box and sold it away. Display quality was embarrassing and the game was lagging as well.
I probably need to try a top quality tablet such as some kind of top samsung product, but my old retina display was still better than most of the brand new tablets.

So apple has expensive devices...but at least there is a reason behind that.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
The point is that the game ran fine before the last update. The lag is a fixable issue. No one should have to buy a new, expensive tablet. There's lag even on my 2018 model iPad.


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
Parmenion I would love to agree with you but I'm afraid that's the same old story...the more the game grow, the more resources it needs. I don't know which Ipad you have but on my iphone x it works well so unless I'm a black sheep it is all about the device.
On top of that I'm also adding that I've turned on the music and sound was years that I was playing silent because of crashes.


Approved user
Jun 13, 2016
Sorry, but buy a new device doesn't cut it. This game is still available via the app/play store, and stating that it's compatible! Not everyone can, or will buy a new device. Interestingly Clash of Clans plays perfectly on my old iPad, I can barely open Dominations and access chat on that device, never mind attack. It seems to affect different devices in different regions differently, this is definitely in the code!


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
Will fight this battle on behalf of Domination team...may I get some crown for free...LOL.
Coccium so glad to be a black sheep. I don't get the statement that the code is different from region to region...but I don't care as long as I'm a blacksheep. And provide info on steroids...which Ipad are you referring to? I've an Ipad2 and it lags...that actually sounds different from "I can barely open Dominations and access chat on that device". I'm starting to think that we would need to segregate the IOS users from Android users. Here the code can be different, but most of all operating system is different. It is well known that apple devices run less processes per sec....

And to all...stop saying that everyone is not fortunate as the guy with the IphoneX or like No Angel that gives out Ipads for free spent lots of money to advance the game.. so much that you probably would be able to by Apple itself...and now you complain about the Ipad Pro cost... remarkable. Truth is always in the middle.


Approved user
Jun 13, 2016
So, region to region, is something I’ve picked up via these forums, and as tin soldier has mentioned is thought to be around security scripts for said regions.

Either way, whatever it is, has bogged the game down. Whether it’s the AI, or they’ve fiddled with something I don’t know. Not something is non devs are privy to.

The game plays fine on my iPhone XS, (it gets the phone stupidly warm though), but launching the game, opening chat, scrolling and typing is scarily slow, often crashes and any raid is impossible on a clean iPad 3. Most of the issues being discussed in my alliance are with android devices and older iOS ones. We’ve lost a lot of good players lately, who have just given up on the game.

also, not everyone spends lots of money, even though that’s the whole idea behind the game.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
My today's war attack was a nightmare. I could tap on something every 2-3 secs. Needless to say that I got 4 stars in 3:31 while I should have taken 5 stars in under 2 mins. The whole battle was laggy but the timer counted correctly. This must be fixed cause the game is becoming unplayable and it's not the device's fault.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I don't do much attacks overall.
And I don't have any design complaint for this update, yet (except where the rubies are?)
But please, we need a fix for lag and freezing. It still occurs.

After updating, the game often doesn't load properly, like the image I attached in 7.3 announcement, no buildings at all.
I had to keep reinstalling and reloading, then finally found a workaround : loading my iron account first before connecting the main account.
This is pretty terrible.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
I confirm, same lagging after the patch. This game is still unplayable for me..just for some simple lootng with a small army...

True God

Approved user
Mar 1, 2017
Nothing has changed. I'm on Android in Europe and wars are now totally impossible. Screen freezes for 10-15 seconds as well as lagging. Pulling out of wars. As a student in Hungary cannot afford expensive tablets. This is ridiculous people.

Rogue Squirrel

Approved user
Sep 5, 2018
---------Day 56--------

It has been 56 days since a plague descended upon our town...…...the villagers walk around as if in a daze, pausing every few seconds to catch their breath.....we can no longer train troops because a strange lag prevents us from scrolling right......and when we send troops into battle we no longer have control over their actions.........we sacrifice rabbits, bears and foxes every day to the gods in the hope that one day our overlords will rid us of this plague....but to no avail,,,,,,,,,

FIX THE FRIGGIN' LAG GUYS. what's taking so long?

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I don't use Supply Cart.
The lag wasn't there before, not until the bastion update, I think. There's something in there that has changed most devices performance.