Please nerf the Drone Command HP


Approved user
Sep 14, 2018
I just hit a Drone Command with 2 Tu 160 bombers who had boosted attack by recon and the enemy had no artifacts or coalitions reducing the attack strength of bombers yet they barely did a quarter of damage to the HP. How is that possible? Is it a bug or did you guys give the drone commands a ridiculous amount of HP.

ALSO please return sabotage to it's previous value. Even at max with just over 12 seconds is barely enough time to scratch my nose let alone have my troops damage ANYTHING and then with the anti-sabotage drone tactic ending any chance of an Info Age player of ever getting 5 stars it's bad guys.

The game isn't unplayable for Drone Age players, but it is very unfair now and the sense of fun the game gives out has never been this low. The ROI (money spent to fun gained) on this game right now is very poor.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Acabei de atingir um Comando Drone com 2 bombardeiros Tu 160 que aumentaram o ataque por reconhecimento e o inimigo não tinha artefatos ou coalizões que reduzissem a força de ataque dos bombardeiros, mas eles mal causaram um quarto do dano ao HP. Como isso é possível? É um bug ou vocês deram aos comandos do drone uma quantidade ridícula de HP.

TAMBÉM, por favor, devolva a sabotagem ao seu valor anterior. Mesmo no máximo, com pouco mais de 12 segundos, mal dá tempo de coçar meu nariz e muito menos fazer com que minhas tropas danifiquem QUALQUER COISA e, em seguida, com a tática de drone anti-sabotagem acabando com qualquer chance de um jogador da Info Age de obter 5 estrelas, são bandidos.

O jogo não é impossível de jogar para os jogadores do Drone Age, mas é muito injusto agora e a sensação de diversão que o jogo oferece nunca foi tão baixa. O ROI (dinheiro gasto em diversão ganho) neste jogo agora é muito pobre.


Approved user
Sep 14, 2018
A point I missed, thanks for telling me. But still I had a 270% boost to those attacks so with each bomber doing 49k damage to the building and no reduction to bomber dmg either via artifacts or coaltions. The building should've been almost half destroyed. I barely scratched it.

Instead of weakening the HP then make them vulnerable to bomber attacks at least. They sure as hell are in real life. The war in Europe proves that.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Consider using different tactics on it, such as dropping ranged troops on its side of the war map (e.g., use mortars+cannons), or using Paratroopers.

Fact is, this won't happen. It's a Drone Age building, and offense rules up top in wars so if anything it'll become _more_ powerful over time. So, I highly recommend reconsidering your tactics against Drone Age bases. Fact is, many Drone players are excellent attackers and making this change would cause even more time wars up up.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Consider using different tactics on it, such as dropping ranged troops on its side of the war map (e.g., use mortars+cannons), or using Paratroopers.
Yes, changing attacking tactics is a better long term option but you have to admit 200k hp is an insane amount compared to other buildings.