• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Please Wait


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
whats with the Please Wait to Donate message i’m Getting every time...
Really really Annoying!!!!! & the Loooong pause after game loads at the latest Bargain screen... JOKE!!!!!


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
I believe it's a safe mechanism to stop people donating more troops than they should. It's all good. I'd rather have it the way it is right now than how it was before the update.

Let's say I have 36 troops in my TC (3 tanks and shooters), then I get attacked by weak army and my tanks survive but shooters die. I can request troops and instead of requesting 6 troops the game allowes me to request up to 12 troops which makes it 42 troops in total instead of 36. There was a time when I had 3 Tanks and 2 Howitzers in my TC, which is unfair.

I hope that answered your question.
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Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
It is really annoying. I get that they were trying to fix a bug with donations, but they did it all wrong!

First, how long do I have to wait? It's not consistent. I've waited 5 seconds and it works, then other times I've waited 5 mins and it still tells me to please wait.

About the only way I can get it to work is to hunt an animal, then try to donate. It doesn't always work, but most times it does. But, I can't hunt an animal every time.

The worst part is that once the blasted message shows up, it seems to never go away. I usually have to restart the game and wait a long time before I can donate.

Putting a wait condition in to fix a bug is a big sign that you don't know what's causing the bug so you are just trying anything. At the very least, they should implement the wait condition correctly.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
I open up the chat, collect from wells/farms/caravans/museum, and then i donate. never have to see please wait again
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Approved user
Apr 25, 2016
I agree with LordStark263AC in that it's definitely better than it was. I also don't think the Please Wait was an attempt to fix the bug, but rather an attempt to show us what is going on so we don't make matters worse. I believe that the Please Wait message is just showing you that it's taking a little longer than expected to establish a link between the donor's troops and the recipient's alliance gate. Previously, it didn't tell you there was any kind of communication issue, so players would logout of their game or shutdown their devices before a 2-way connection had been completed, which led directly to the all the problems when donations don't register properly. The causes for the delay aren't as easy to correct as you may think, so I'd much rather have the Please Wait message and be prevented from donating than to not know there was a problem and be stuck with the consequences.

I've used a similar technique in software before and one very recently. We have a process that submits large print jobs to a remote server for printing. Due to resource issues with the remote server, it would sometimes take 1-5 minutes to complete the transfer. Users would report the problem to our support staff that our system was running slowly, we'd check and report back that the problem was with the printing server each time. Finally, I added some status messages so the users can see when a document has been completed and how long it is taking to transfer to the server. It didn't fix the delay, but the customer's perception of what was occurring changed. The really good news for us is that with a clear visual of what was going on, they started reporting the problems to the server group instead of us, and the server group finally acknowledged the problem and fixed it.

The best thing you can do is to make sure you have an active connection by forcing a server update using any of the methods that pckrn has suggested. Not only will it take away the Please Wait, but it'll ensure that your troop donations can be delivered as expected.


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
That's all well and good, but I still say it's not implemented correctly.

First, if the ability to donate troops isn't available yet, they shouldn't activate the donate button. It's misleading, causes an unnecessary message and is a bad UX.

Second, and this is really the part that isn't implemented correctly. There are many, many times, where I've waited well over 15 mins and I still get the Please Wait message. The only way to clear it is to shut down the game and restart it.

Perhaps if they change the first issue, it will correct the second issue.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I have 2 accounts and use 2 devices and I never have to wait more than 4-6 seconds for either.
What device are you using?