Possible date for Alliance wars?


Approved user
Apr 7, 2015
At this point most Industrial Age players I know are all suffering form the same problem. That nagging question "when?". As of this moment I personally have all my workers busy on upgrades that are taking over a week! I almost literally have nothing to do until those workers become available. We've been hearing that "soon" phrase being thrown around for quite some time. However that doesn't make me very optimistic. They said the Industrial Age was coming soon. That particular "soon" took 5 months to arrive. Are we to expect a similar time frame for alliance wars as well? If that's the case I see us losing more and more players. Not just from all the inherent problems the game already has, but from something even worse BOREDOM! I think a little transparency goes a very long way. So I hope, and probably naively, that some clarification on this will come promptly.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Probably depends on who is in charge of game design, developers at BHG or accountants at Nexon HQ. For the former it'll appear when it's ready and working, if the bean counters are in charge, as seems likely from all the recent updates, Alliance Wars will be here next week, but it'll cost and be broken, players will leave but the spreadsheet will say newcomer spending is greater, so all is well.

Call me cynical :)


Apr 9, 2015
I don't know if alliance wars is something I really expect having current state of the game. It's gonna take only 2-3 months to upgrade IA troops anyways, so I wouldn't hurry devs with that. But they could do ALOT in terms of better combat, balance (not nerfs) and anti-cheats.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Only 2-3 months| That's a relief - still 6 days to go on TC and then a month or two upgrading the Armory just to see what time period it was going to be - I was planning my entire retirement around troop and barrack upgrades, have to think of something else now.


Apr 9, 2015
I could misplace the word 'only'. it should be somewhere at the end meaning that army itself takes long researching. While it looks like forever to me to even finish EA defenses with all new IA buildings.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Effectively, alliance wars is pretty much already in the game I think.

Since I joined a top 10 alliance, I noticed I got attacked mainly by players from other top 10 alliances in my medal range. It's easier for me to spot because of the alliance ranking page. Before I couldn't know which alliances were around mine. But I'm sure that their matching algorithm looks at individual medal range and alliance ranking.