• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Posting Bugs and Known Issues (Please Read)


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
For in-game/bug reporting your first step should be to submit a support ticket to us either using the in-game reporting system or head to our support site and contact us to open a submission form.

While we much prefer you submit a ticket to our support team, you can still post here in the forum. When doing so, be sure to check other threads in this topic to see if anyone else has already shared a similar issue. This helps to quickly gather information of an ongoing issue, and helps to quickly find potential solutions to solved issues.

If there is no existing thread please post a new thread using the following format (please ensure you have linked your player ID to your forum profile as it helps when investigating an issue):

Platform (Android/IOS):


If PvP issue War/Matchmaking:

Description of issue:

Frequency of issue:

Additional information:
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New member
Jun 9, 2022
When I claim IMPI ARMY BOUNTY fron the league rewards at the dock,it shows that the impi army will be in the stronghold but it does not come in the stronghold.It has happened many times.Any rest bounty comes successfully in the stronghold but impi army does not come.I hobe the Dev's will look into this problem.


New member
Jun 24, 2022
Hi, ive reached out to several bhg moderators and not a single response so im gonna keep making this post and spreading it all over these forums till something is done. About half a year ago I was playing and they had 4x crown offers at the time. I completed one for raid shadow legends and you had to get to level 5 with a hero so I did that and recieved 28000 crowns (normally 7000) about a week or two after that I got banned and rolled back weeks worth of progress. I was then told my account was banned for crown manipulation when ive never once cheated on this game nor do i know how to. Ive made several attempts at contacting support and I get the same response every time and that their decision is final. If anyone is able to help me I would greatly appreciate it as I miss playing this game. My player name is PhantomIX7 on android.


Approved user
Jan 26, 2018
Platform (Android/IOS): Android

Device: Xaiomi 11 T

If PvP issue War/Matchmaking: all
Description of issue: When you ask to retrain your troops, a connection error occur and you loose all your troops. You need to select every troop, blessing, etc.. again.
Frequency of issue: all the time. Something like 50% off retraining action.

Additional information: Many other users on my alliance are reporting same issue.


New member
Sep 9, 2022
Platform (Android/IOS): Android

Device: Xaiomi 11 T

If PvP issue War/Matchmaking: all
Description of issue: When you ask to retrain your troops, a connection error occur and you loose all your troops. You need to select every troop, blessing, etc.. again.
Frequency of issue: all the time. Something like 50% off retraining action.

Additional information: Many other users on my alliance are reporting same issue.
Same here... samsung tab S7+, so frustrating


New member
Oct 19, 2022
Platform (Android/IOS): IOS

Device: IPhone

If PvP issue War/Matchmaking:
Description of issue: lost my base when trying to get Game Center to sync. Had CS change my email for my base to match my iCloud and apparently there was another base setup that was a temp base as I have had my base synced with Facebook but heard that was going away so trying to fix my Game Center I deleted the game and now I can’t get my original base back. I have been trying to get CS to respond but nothing. I have reached out to several BHG email address with now luck. I am lost now and w
Had VIP level 7 and was at 298 level working to get to Digital age. I would like to recover my base.

Frequency of issue:

Additional information:


New member
Mar 31, 2023
Android ID : 17399189
current version is stuck on 11.2 and PvP crashes whenever i press find opponent
i was enlightenment age now im Medieval with downgraded infantry and many other upgrades i had...


New member
Apr 5, 2023
Android, Pixel 4a, running current version (11.7).

As of this morning (first noticed about 6:30 AM Eastern Time), the game freezes about 20-30 seconds after opening regardless of what I do. I tried force-closing the game, force-stopping the game, and restarting my device but the error persists.


Approved user
Jan 7, 2016
I keep getting " illegal program detected 106/2" not that it matters, but android and I can't enter the game to report to cs
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Lord Bastion

New member
May 22, 2023
IOS - Iphone 13 Pro Max


Not a direct issue with war or matchmaking but the ability to do them properly is impaired.

Description of issue:
Communication with other players is entirely cut for me.
-I am unable to chat in alliance chat, nor read any sent messages in any alliance I have been in the past few years.
-I am unable to request troops, nor donate troops to others.
-I cannot issue challenges, nothing pops up when i fill out a challenge request.
-The only things I can do in alliance are speed-ups, parliament, and war.

Frequency of issue:

Additional information:
-I have observed this issue on both an Iphone 7 Plus and a Samsung Galaxy A71, so I presume platform is not the issue.
-I have also brought this issue up in customer service, but since bringing this issue up years prior came up with no changes, I am trying here now.
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Approved user
Feb 25, 2018
Platform (Android/IOS): IOS

Device: iPhone 13 Pro

If PvP issue War/Matchmaking:

Description of issue: Banned for “suspicious activity”
Frequency of issue: First time ever, 2 days ago

Additional information: Once I try to start the app, right after the BHG splash screen, I get a message saying I have been banned for suspicious activity (see attached). Not sure what that means, I’ve been playing since 2017 .


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New member
Jan 15, 2024
Platform: Android

Device: Oppo Find X3 Lite5G

If PvP issue War/Matchmaking: Not PvP

Description of issue: I'm in Global Age with my museum at lvl 4 but can't create artifacts with Supplies/Researchers/Benefactors cause it tells me "Level 1 Museum required". Talked to people in my allaince who are in ages above and they don't have this issue.
Also uninstalled the game and reinstalled after to see if that solved the problem but it didn't.
Am I doing something wrong?

Frequency of issue: Just noticed, never crafted any artifact before using supplies, today finally gathered enough resources and i was going to craft my first but found that I couldn't...

Additional information: Screenshot attached


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New member
Jan 29, 2024
Hi, ive reached out to several bhg moderators and not a single response so im gonna keep making this post and spreading it all over these forums till something is done. About half a year ago I was playing and they had 4x crown offers at the time. I completed one for raid shadow legends and you had to get to level 5 with a hero so I did that and recieved 28000 crowns (normally 7000) about a week or two after that I got banned and rolled back weeks worth of progress. I was then told my account was banned for crown manipulation when ive never once cheated on this game nor do i know how to. Ive made several attempts at contacting support and I get the same response every time and that their decision is final. If anyone is able to help me I would greatly appreciate it as I miss playing this game. My player name is PhantomIX7 on android.
Well since they keep ignoring you and wont respond to bug reports, probably time to delete the game and boycott them.


New member
Feb 29, 2024
Para informar errores o dentro del juego, su primer paso debe ser enviarnos un ticket de soporte, ya sea utilizando el sistema de informes del juego o dirigirse a nuestro sitio de soporte y contactarnos para abrir un formulario de envío. Ese enlace se puede encontrar aquí .

Si bien preferimos que envíe un ticket a nuestro equipo de soporte, aún puedes publicar aquí en el foro. Al hacerlo, asegúrese de consultar otros hilos de este tema para ver si alguien más ya ha compartido un problema similar. Esto ayuda a recopilar rápidamente información sobre un problema en curso y ayuda a encontrar rápidamente posibles soluciones a los problemas resueltos.

Si no hay un hilo existente, publique un hilo nuevo usando el siguiente formato (asegúrese de haber vinculado su ID de jugador a su perfil del foro, ya que ayuda a la hora de investigar un problema):

Plataforma (Android/IOS):


Si PvP emite Guerra/Emparejamiento:

Descripción del problema:

Frecuencia de emisión:

Información adicional:
Para informar errores o dentro del juego, su primer paso debe ser enviarnos un ticket de soporte, ya sea utilizando el sistema de informes del juego o dirigirse a nuestro sitio de soporte y contactarnos para abrir un formulario de envío. Ese enlace se puede encontrar aquí .

Si bien preferimos que envíes un ticket a nuestro equipo de soporte, aún puedes publicar aquí en el foro. Al hacerlo, asegúrese de consultar otros hilos de este tema para ver si alguien más ya ha compartido un problema similar. Esto ayuda a recopilar rápidamente información sobre un problema en curso y ayuda a encontrar rápidamente posibles soluciones a los problemas resueltos.

Si no hay un hilo existente, publique un hilo nuevo usando el siguiente formato (asegúrese de haber vinculado su ID de jugador a su perfil del foro, ya que ayuda a la hora de investigar un problema):

Plataforma (Android/IOS):


Si PvP emite Guerra/Emparejamiento:

Descripción del problema:

Frecuencia de emisión:

Información adicional:
Plataforma: android
dispositivo: Xiaomi note 10 pro
Cuando entro en el juego y me intento conectar a Google Play, me sale que tengo una cuenta asociada y que si quiero cargarla, le doy a si y cuando se llena la barra de carga no entra en la aldea y se queda la imagen de la Introducción a todo el rato.
mih hablado con bhg support y me dicen las cosas básicas como borrar cache , desinstalar el juego, borrar memoria, comprobar la conexión y nada.. eh hablado con Google play ya que la partida no me carga al intentar conectarme a Google play y me dicen que es problema del desarrollador y ya nose ni que hacer.. llevo jugando desde que salió el juego, tengo muchísimas horas invertidas y dinero y no veo solución.. la aldea sigue estando porque me eh metido en la alianza y sigue estando.. si alguien me puede ayudar lo agradecería


New member
May 22, 2024

Je vous écrit sur ce forum car le service client ne me répond plus.

Plateforme (Android/IOS) : IOS

Appareil :
Iphone et Ipad

Description du problème :
plusieurs de mes artefacts de guerre sont "bloqués" (hors période de guerre évidemment)
Lorsque je « permute » ou que je « retire » un artefact, le musée l'accepte.
Et puis lorsque je quitte le jeu et me reconnecte, l'artefact initial est revenu à sa place.

Fréquence du problème :

Informations complémentaires :

J'ai contacté le service client (photo à l'appui) pour un premier soucis constaté sur un artefact que je ne pouvais plus changer.
ils m'ont demandé d'attendre d'être hors guerre et ont géré le problème rapidement en "déséquipant" l'artefact bloqué.

J'ai ensuite constaté que le problème existait sur plusieurs artefacts et je leur ai demandé débloquer tout mes artefacts bloqués (photos à l'appuie)Et depuis, plus de réponse (depuis 1 semaine environ).

Là j'ai pris ASDIC chez Marco pour 300 jetons et ne peux même pas l'installer...
image 1 : musée plein
image 2 : je "vide" entièrement mon muse en retirant tous les artefacts
Je quitte le jeu et me reconnecte
Plusieurs artefacts sont "revenus" tout seul, ce sont les artefacts bloqués que je ne peux plus changer
image 3 / 4 / 5

Pouvez-vous m'aider ?


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Nov 30, 2023
For in-game/bug reporting your first step should be to submit a support ticket to us either using the in-game reporting system or head to our support site and contact us to open a submission form. That link can be found here.

While we much prefer you submit a ticket to our support team, you can still post here in the forum. When doing so, be sure to check other threads in this topic to see if anyone else has already shared a similar issue. This helps to quickly gather information of an ongoing issue, and helps to quickly find potential solutions to solved issues.

If there is no existing thread please post a new thread using the following format (please ensure you have linked your player ID to your forum profile as it helps when investigating an issue):

Platform (Android/IOS):


If PvP issue War/Matchmaking:

Description of issue:

Frequency of issue:

Additional information:
Platform: Android
Device : Oppo A9
Issue is that University speedup vanishes after one assist plz fix thus