Scrap the rebalance!


Approved user
Nov 3, 2018
You have ruined the game. Seriously. The vast changes in hit-points makes 5* nearly impossible when the enemy is CW or high Atomic. Raiding is not pointless too. How are we supposed to successfully attack within the same time limits when the hit-points have skyrocketed? It takes way too long to train troops even with Blessings. The rebalance is too much too fast and it's taken the fun out of playing. I've played for over 2 years and each time I log on I keep asking myself why?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
you are not the only one...even raiding takes double time and needs double raiders per battle


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
I’m logging on less and less everyday. I have members that are complaining that even an enlightenment is hard to fully take out. Global players that can’t take out Industrial Age bases. They have trouble get ntg for their coalitions. I used to be able to take out base 40 xp in war with full attacks and now it can be hard at the same level. I used to say to my alliance that just because they are higher doesn’t mean they are better but now that means nothing. I usually get almost full participation in war but the one we just finished had 16 unused attacks. One of our top ranks just quit. My howies used to be awesome but now they are like ballista now. They gave us the museum to help make our attacks stronger only to nerf it with this rebalance. I haven’t been fully attacked in a week. My low account and 54 xp has never been attacked. They don’t listen to players. They don’t know their game. They obviously don’t play it. They’ve killed all the fun in the game and made it more like work. It should be easy to smash a base 40 xp lower but even that can be hard to do. To make hit points 200+% stronger without giving all barrack troops a boost makes it impossible to take a base your level. I used to love the game. It’s been the only game I’ve played for 3 years and now I want an Xbox 1 to play far cry 5 and red dead 2 cause they look fun. This isn’t a game anymore it’s a job and that sucks
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
they gave the museum, they gave us more loot and they decided to make everything harder. Ok. Do it . But they went to the other end of the line. They made everything extremely hard with so many hp that even a cwa can't 5 star a max global age without many loses, thus making each battle not cost effective. The stage 5 rebalance will be about walls!!! OMG who said that walls need a boost anyway? This will be the last drop for many people

RDS Leader

Approved user
Jul 19, 2017
Agree with everything you say here. Entirely consistent with my experience as an alliance leader. DomiNations isn't fun anymore, it has become a joyless grind and there are better things to do.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Go back to your alliance and play!
That's an order from your mistress!
You guys rarely played these days cause you spent too much time messing with the forum 😆

Here's the logic, at least one of you played Age of Empires or Clash of Clans right? Well those games didn't have this kind of ''rebalance'', yet you guys left the game dead. So, it doesn't matter how the game goes, you will eventually quit.
You just quit when you have to quit.

So right now, go take your butts back to your alliance and play, would ya? 😒


New member
Nov 4, 2018
I agree the rebalance is harsh for current players. All of the folks in my alliance are scratching their heads, we had a hard enough time before winning now we don't know. I myself noticed it during a world war when my first attack against a player 20 levels down failed completely. Then I attacked someone 40 down with everything I had boosters, generals, coalitions, mercenaries, 150 of my max-enhanced infantry with healing, and shield. Same result, nothing. Most of the attacks in the war had the same result, nobody is winning.

My case, I have been playing for years slowly building up attack strength through all the channels available. There is really no more advancements I can make until the next level. But I am level 191 with 30 to go, it took all summer to advance 2 levels with lots of activity. I will never see 230 at that rate. Raiding takes 2 to 3 times more troops, yields less since there are more spawning and incoming fire. But full battles where you throw everything in now seem pretty unproductive.

Attacking and perhaps winning is fun. Waiting for days and weeks for upgrades to finish and being attacked is not fun. I think a big part of the fun is gone. It was already borderline as it was, at least for me. So I will probably exit the game.

However, I do not fault Nexon. They know what they are doing; maximizing the return (money) from the game. The game is a time-limited game like most build/attack games - essentially you reach a development dead-end in the game, how many more ages are there going to be, Internet Age, Skynet Age, Star Trek Age? So it seems that rather than extend the game out into the future by adding more ages, which is probably costly in terms developer time, it makes more sense to extend the life of the game by really slowing down everyone's progress - this rebalance essentially removes months and perhaps years of progress folks have invested in attack strength, right? And makes getting to the next age a lot longer. Doing this extends the income stream from the game. How does Nexon make money from the game, two ways that I can see. Ad revenue and direct purchase, both of these are driven by players striving to advance. By stretching out timelines at little cost (basically fiddling with a few hitpoint numbers in the existing game and some PR) they are hoping to extend the income stream from a finite-duration game.

And to me, as a capitalist, this makes perfect sense. Nexon knows these games require a sizable initial investment and the return comes over time after the release. They also know these games have a finite lifespan (Clash of Clans?) so why would they invest more? They are maximizing their return on investment with these rebalances (and future ones as well perhaps) by slowing down the game. Good for Nexon, I wish I could invest in them.

But the game is not fun for me anymore.

Mat 3 BloodyBarons

Approved user
Jan 15, 2018
Before rebalance the only challenge was to take base during WW in less than 1min30s, at the end I was bored, now the Challenge is just to take a base with some stars and that is way better because you need strategy, and dominations is a strategic game. I can understand the frustration. I have been playing this game for more than 3 years, my main frustration was when the game crashing every 15min, (2 years ago) losing army and loots, it was a nightmare, but I stayed.
MP battle yes it’s harder, but you have instant retrain, plus by watching videos you can get crowns, nobody is complaining on it, strange lol
So by adjusting your army you can succeed to take a base, if not just tell you I will do better next time.
Rebalance is really tough for low age, and need to be graduated during age.
In addition, as asked before to Nexon, just to reduce training time for tactics and planes by 50%.
Finally I will keep playing this game, because in my alliance we are all friends from the World, more important
it’s my longer post on this forum. And I’m not a Nexon employee :)


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
It’s Deliberate!!! Piss people off, who then QUIT this Broken game... They’ve Screwed enough Money out of the mugs bye now, and wish too Fold the game ASAP, & move onto the Next, Nexon SCAM Game...


Approved user
May 19, 2016
We did 20v20 wars back-to-back since nearly the day that wars started. Had a massive streak going, too (something like 300+ wins to 10 or so losses). Now the alliance is thinking of going to 10v10 wars because they can't fill wars anymore.

I was the leader of the alliance.I gave up and dropped out of wars and no longer raid because it simply isn't fun anymore.

Nexon has killed the game. I and many of the people in my alliance have already moved on to another game.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
OK, sure. Just a coincidence that all of these people decided to quit the game after the rebalance. Doesn't have anything at all to do with the changes to the game, huh?

OK then.


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
I log in once or twice a day maybe attack once. Rarely get attacked so its not Farmville. I only attack when I can bring full armies watch a commercial and get my generals and mercenaries back for no cost.

Even then I rarely get a 5 star I usually run out of time or cant get TC in time to get quick victory

Not sure why they did this but its not fun

Battle Titans is my new game 6 on 6 real time mech battles. Game just launched so its early.. Different type of game all together but fun
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No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Lol Festivus. No of course it's not coincidence. I'm pretty sure most of them were ready to quit anyway, they just needed the simplest trigger 😊
Personally I don't like this rebalance either. The trigger is just not enough to make me quit.
The biggest problem is not the rebalance itself, but it's about how the game team tried to implement it. Divided into 5 stages, what for?! Sharing the whole stats and just summon more angry roosters.
Like you 😜

Above all, it is just a game. And like every other game, it's a choice for you to play, or not. If you have moved on, stop complaining 😉


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
No, don't scrap the rebalance, just remove it from mp and move it to wars only.
lmo, they should've left the mp aspect as it was and made these changes to wars only.
Getting NTGs was tough enough in mp and then players could've truly tested themselves against the harder defenses in war.
It would've also made low level bases more viable in war, making an easy 5 star victory not-so-easy.
I'm starting to agree with players that the Museum gave too much bonus loot for some and part of these changes is to make it harder to get loot, but now it affects all.
Not unlike taking a sledgehammer to swat a fly.


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
The problem is that it's no longer fun in MP. Wars that are hard, okay, that is what we strive for, but MP that is hard, and then endless time retraining? That's just poor design. We like the game, thats why we complain, we want the fun back.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I strongly agree. Side note : Matchmaking and war system have to improve