Simple Imrovements to Alliance Chat Mechanics with Big Benefits


Approved user
Jan 15, 2018
As an alliance leader I find the Alliance chat interface presents a challenge in communicating any idea that requires significant explanation to our members (Especially onboarding new members). This is NOT an ask for a mult-threaded interface but simply a request for enhancements to Chat as it exists which I think would be extremely helpful. I also think the return for dev effort would be incredible.

1. Newest Msg on Bottom - If we do nothing else... Can we please put newest chat on the bottom so that when members scroll up the conversation (especially if spread across multiple messages given the char size limit) is actually in top-down order. This is the way that we all read (Top down).

2. Message Text Char Limit Increase with New Line format - This by far would be the easiest way to solve some major challenges. Currently we literally have to type ideas 1 per line and since the chat scheme is newest on top...(see point 1) You have to read it in reverse order and it looks like noise and is often ignored. I have finally taken to typing in reverse order for major announcements.
The support for new-line would allow us to create necessary formatting for longer messages.

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
I disagree with #1, because each time I log in and see X new messages I'll always have to scroll down to read them, while, as things currently are, there's no need to do that, just click the chat button.


Approved user
May 2, 2018
agree to both. the reversed.order is painful to read. why be.different from rest definitly increase text.limits.

one addition, if a pin option added for leaders and co-leaders would be nice too.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
How long has everyone been playing this game? Surely you've adapted to the bottom-up order as it is by now?
I agree that the line characters should be increased. A pin option is also a great idea.