• Ending Support for AOS6
    As highlighted in our 12.10 Update notes, we will be ending support for AOS6 with the release of the 12.11 Update due to technical requirements. Those on AOS6 will need to upgrade to a device that supports AOS7 or above to continue playing DomiNations.

So unfair WW Matching - Age Rushing - Selective Upgrading - 10 GA vs 4 GA


Approved user
Dec 10, 2016
PS : This is my personal opinion and does not reflect my guild's opinion
I am complaining about how the system is broken!

In our current war this how we got matched

Our guild : 4 - Global Age
Eminent Domain (enemy) : 10 - Global Age

Our guild : 10 - Industrial Age
Eminent Domain (enemy) : 10 - Industrial Age

Our guild: 6 - Enlightenment Age
Eminent Domain (enemy): 5 - Enlightenment Age

Our guild: 5 - Gunpowder Age
Eminent Domain (enemy): 0 - Gunpowder Age

So, I want to ask what are counted when match making is done?

Do you count non-battle useful stuff like farm level, caravan level, loot bonus, animal bonus?

Obviously some guilds have discovered what are counted and exploiting the system very hard!

I can also age rush and upgrade only what counts as attack, but is this the gameplay we want? I don't want to play that way. I want to max everything and then move

How to fix?

Give us all details what are counted as battle war power so we can comment about it and it can be fixed!

Match equal number of ages. Do not match like this one! So instead of age rush, people would be have to max and then move
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Will Bunny

Approved user
Dec 15, 2016
Hmm, I agree there is a known issue with War Matchmaking. Plenty of stuff on other stickies.

I would also like to know mechanics of Match Making, they should be transparent. As you say some teams have worked it out and exploit it whereas others that play nice, haven't.

I dont agree with maximising everything, for war surely you maximise warlike stuff, not farms and caravans, farmers dont win wars, sorry!

Having said that, now that we can build walls with food, I will start to upgrade my farms!

I have heard the war strength is based on your war gear including defences and level of generals etc. Sometimes you see a guy with less stars than you have a higher position in the war. Usually this isbecause they have higher level generals and you have lots of farms. I dont know what effect your TC age has. The TC in itself doesn't give much battle advantage.... a few extra hitpoints thats it!

So when I see loads of Atomics etc, usually when u examine their towns they are often EA or Industrials with a fancy TC!


Approved user
Dec 10, 2016
Hmm, I agree there is a known issue with War Matchmaking. Plenty of stuff on other stickies.

I would also like to know mechanics of Match Making, they should be transparent. As you say some teams have worked it out and exploit it whereas others that play nice, haven't.

I dont agree with maximising everything, for war surely you maximise warlike stuff, not farms and caravans, farmers dont win wars, sorry!

Having said that, now that we can build walls with food, I will start to upgrade my farms!

I have heard the war strength is based on your war gear including defences and level of generals etc. Sometimes you see a guy with less stars than you have a higher position in the war. Usually this isbecause they have higher level generals and you have lots of farms. I dont know what effect your TC age has. The TC in itself doesn't give much battle advantage.... a few extra hitpoints thats it!

So when I see loads of Atomics etc, usually when u examine their towns they are often EA or Industrials with a fancy TC!

well as you said they have to be transparent about WW game matching algorithm


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
Age is not a good comparison at all and will not determine the outcome of the war. Only the buildings/researches that upgrade offense or defense capability matters, and my guess is their age doesnt reflect their upgrades at all. Matching equal ages seems like a very dangerous proposal that would hurt many teams and cause so many to be excluded from participating in war. Having a smart upgrade strategy doesn't take some sort of super secret knowledge of the game, and certainly shouldn't be punished IMO.


Approved user
Dec 22, 2015
While I understand your frustration with the matchup, I feel the need to remind you that Active Warfare, in it's own right, is a bunch of rockstars.

You guys know very well age and XP level means very little.

Now quit acting like this isn't going to be a Stalemate and go wreck one of my Eminites.

We want stars, we take them!

Ambria of Eminent Domain


Approved user
Dec 10, 2016
While I understand your frustration with the matchup, I feel the need to remind you that Active Warfare, in it's own right, is a bunch of rockstars.

You guys know very well age and XP level means very little.

Now quit acting like this isn't going to be a Stalemate and go wreck one of my Eminites.

We want stars, we take them!

Ambria of Eminent Domain

sorry but if you enjoy this unfair match, you are not a good player!

obviously you either exploit system mechanics or the matching algorithm itself is broken

the player supposed to be equal with me is far above me both in defense and offense. he is 1 age above of me also
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Approved user
Dec 10, 2016
Age is not a good comparison at all and will not determine the outcome of the war. Only the buildings/researches that upgrade offense or defense capability matters, and my guess is their age doesnt reflect their upgrades at all. Matching equal ages seems like a very dangerous proposal that would hurt many teams and cause so many to be excluded from participating in war. Having a smart upgrade strategy doesn't take some sort of super secret knowledge of the game, and certainly shouldn't be punished IMO.

well if age level is matched, people would not rush but upgrade like supposed to be

either way system is seriously broken


Approved user
Mar 22, 2016
If you decide to max everything and suffer in war, it's due to your lack of understanding how such game works. Everyone knows that offence wins defence in such strategy games. And with card troops, what's the point of defence when someone can just unload twice his army size by paying for it and 5 star your base. Having the knowledge of what to upgrade and how to prioritise it isn't any form of cheating like sand bags, it's playing smart and you just got to learn it yourself from someone more experienced or better in the game. With the recent launch of AA, most players who have just upgraded are offence heavy to farm in the new age too while their defences haven't caught up.

The bottom line is, regardless of how strong your defence is, an experience player or someone with card troops can 5 star it. But if you don't have enough offence or enough card troops to 5 star him back, you lose.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
tbh, Im a huge fan of both ED and AW, both are top notch alliances, especially the leadership. Calling people like Ambria not a good player is very misguided. You can do as you like, but if you invested as much time coming up with a smart upgrade strategy as you have complaining about a matchup (where sandbagging isnt even involved!) you'd probably be in a much better place. We all face harder teams and easier teams at times, there is no system that will give you a perfect match each war. You can only control what your response will be when you have those harder mirrors.

If you think this is hard, wait until you face a team with 20 people stronger than your strongest because they are sandbagged to perfection....


Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
I believe rushing ages is one of the major problems on the game right now, and is what (in my modest opinion) affects mostly the stalemates problem (cards too,i hate cards, i don't want them and i feel a little ashamed anytime i have to use them to 5 star a target, but that's just me).
Maxing attack requires half (or even less) of the time requested for upgrading defenses.
maybe setting a higher goal to upgrade tc could help, but right now with a single denfense upgrade of 14 days this could mean players not upgrading tc for months.
So in order to do that, defenses upgrade time from IA should be reduced. Utopia?
About the matchmaking, several changes have been made lately and we (italiani 2016) have had a couple of mismatches too.
But since those mismatches were not always caused by sandbaggers manipulating the sistem, i personally felt there was absolutely no need to complain about it.
we met Polska Ziomecksi last war for ex, they were absolutely not sandbaggers but yet it was a mismatch. So be it: if to change the matchmaking for good we have to suffer some mismatches, i'm totally happy with it.
This war we are instead against Barritus Grimm (14th in the ranking) massive stackers. They REALLY manipulate the matchmaking with 7 sandbaggers but they'll get from us 76 gp instead of the 600 they took us one month ago. I don't know about you guys, but i'm starting to see the light!

BTW if somebody doesn't know this, TRAPS are maybe the thing that has more weight in war ranking.
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Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
AW is like what, 105W-4L in war, right? You have an amazing team/teammates and lots of respect for not sandbagging. The system must have worked pretty well for you? I agree the system is broken, but you are in a match without any willful manipulation which many teams would give anything to have on a regular basis. I dont care if they change it to make it so offense isnt as important (though making such a change at this point would throw off a lot of teams lol), but I think having a wider gap is good for every team. You wont improve unless you face people harder than you sometimes, its how you learn.

I still dont see anything that warrants a post in the forums about mismatches in this scenario which pales in comparison to a lot of other war problems. Right now it looks like you are just mad that you have a hard mirror/opponent.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
MonsterMMORPG get off the forums and go make your war attack.

I want to apologize on behalf of monster. In no way do we at Active Warfare feel like Eminent Domain is manipulating the system. Yes, we are outmatched this war, but it isn't something we can't handle. We have won wars where it was a much greater mismatch because of sandbagging.

In all my dealings with ED, they are honest, upstanding, play fair and advocate playing fair.

Again, I am sorry. This shouldn't have been said implying that ED is anything other than a solid alliance.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
To further this discussion, don't upgrade your farms. Pesticides and oil derived chemical fertilizers are bad for the local water quality and the surrounding ecosystem not to mention our health. Now, the AA farms have introduced GMOs!

Nexon needs to start focusing on promoting sustainability. Oil refineries?! I want wind turbines!


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Wow! I think Ambria was paying your alliance a compliment there by expecting you to have the capability to stalemate it. At any given match there is the possibility 1) the opposing team will out rank your team 2) your team will out rank their team. We all agree it's the sandbaggers who throw this WAY out of proportion. There is no one team that is made up exactly as yours so I'm not sure what you are expecting. Be thankful you didn't get sandbagged and try your best on your attacks. That's all you can do. And if you don't like it. Uncheck your war button. It's that simple.
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Approved user
Dec 22, 2016
If we choose not to upgrade farms, caravans, roads or build any oil wells we have to work that much harder to be able to upgrade things - there is nothing wrong with playing that way. Besides, only offense and defense is considered - farms don't give you a disadvantage in war.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2016
MonsterMMORPG - Just need to comment because I am the base that is of your equal in this war match up. I'd like to also state that I have in no way shape or form have manipulated anything with this game. I am a level 140 IA and have not "age rushed" at all and have been playing since December 2015. Yes, currently my farms, caravans, and roads are still in EA but I have simply put them on the back burner because I wanted to focus my upgrading elsewhere. I think we all know and understand that we can gain more resources from raiding in multiplayer than we do from actually farming. Anyway, sorry you feel this way. If you want to PM me, I can provide you details on what I did to 5 star your base. Let me know. Thanks.


Brand Marrow

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
Lol! Hmmm, poop_ your game name does suggest an fecund interest in fertilizer :p

But seriously, u r right! We need a greener dominations! Wind turbines! And just think of all the compost we could make from dead infantry? Or from nexon's sh-tty servers!
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Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
MonsterMMORPG While the odds aren't in your favour this time, with skills you can surely achieve a perfect score in this war. Take this as a lesson and realize farms roads caravans and economical buildings in general are mostly useless in this game. Focus on offense first, then on defense, and get your gold food and oil from looting.
As for matchmaking, it's already difficult enough to get a match for many alliances. Please don't make it even more difficult by narrowing it.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
Correction for above comment: 110W-4L-5SM
Yeah, we are not ones to complain about getting a hard match. More likely the opposite.