Stronghold: Introduction!


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
With the advent of the Atomic Age in DomiNations, even more changes are in store. Strategies of War is our latest update (coming soon!) and introduces new features, as well as bug fixes. A few of these new additions were a direct result of community feedback that we’ve been actively reviewing. It’s amazing to see such dedication from our fans from all around the world!

Let’s talk about the Stronghold, available starting in the Bronze Age! This completely new building introduces a change in how Troop Tactics are managed and deployed (this will also limit how many can be brought into battle). You’ll now see an option to assign a tactic from your inventory, which is displayed when you tap into the building’s menu. Due to player demand, we’ve also enabled the option to donate Troop Tactics to allies during the planning day in a World War. To do this, go to the war map and tap on the base you wish to donate to. You’ll now see a “donate’’ menu with tabs that can be switched between troops and tactics.
  • Please note that once donated, you are not able to cancel. Players cannot remove donated Troop Tactics from their Stronghold and put them into their inventory.
  • Troop Tactics cannot be removed when a World War is in progress.
  • When the World War has ended, donated Troop Tactics will be consumed, regardless of whether or not they were deployed.
The Stronghold also acts as a defensive tower when being attacked as it will spawn Troop Tactics that have been assigned. The first donated tactic will deploy once an enemy is within range. After a brief cooldown, the next tactic will deploy. This building will also attack targets with splash damage capabilities in the form of deadly mortars!

*For the time being, 4 will be the limit for Troop Tactics.
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Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
"Due to player demand, we’ve also enabled the option to donate Troop Tactics to allies"

Really? I think the majority consensus was this was NOT wanted by players on the forum, as it is equivalent to pay to win. Small alliances will suffer the most.

Also, nothing in this post is new information, except maybe the default defense nature of the building. We knew all this before. Can you tell us the maximum number of troop tactics the stronghold can carry? We've asked for this since the announcement was made.
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Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
We did ask for a way to boost defense in war and limit or even prevent the use of extra troops cards in war. But not in this way, as it is just going to give an unfair advantage to alliances with big spenders. As a result I predict a lot of players are going to quit, which is ultimately bad for everyone. Please reconsider!!


Approved user
Nov 28, 2016
It just sets up another artificial boundary in order to stay competitive during a WW.


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
They will return to your inventory once the update arrives. More information to come!


Approved user
Apr 4, 2016
Please reconsider this stronghold and pay to win feature. Noone asked for this. Just limit extra troops - no more presents, please!


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
This actually helps curb pay to win, IMO. The building will help on defense whether it has troops or not, so players/alliances that cannot afford donating tactics will benefit in that way. In addition, it limit's how many troop tactics can be used, right now it's unlimited, which just makes it impossible. With a limit there is at least a cut-off to how much a pay-to-win player can do...and with the additional defensive bolding the non-pay to win player has a better chance.


Approved user
Dec 13, 2016
The biggest request made by EVERYONE is for REPLAYS. If as suggested the Stronghold gives an unfair advantage to PAY TO WIN players then it will cost you players, CoC have addressed this and have a level playing field so keep that in mind.


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
I don't get it, am I missing something...? An additional defensive building helps against troop tactics used on offense. Then there is also a limit on how many can be used on offense, as opposed to no limit which just let's the pay-to-win guys go wild. How is this helping them more? Yes they are more likely to have troops donated for their stronghold, but cutting back the unlimited tactics on offense is well worth that concession. Anyway, this is one of those things that I feel like is getting bashed before it's even been tried. See what the impact actually is and then state your opinion. At this point my view is as much a guess as yours, and I see it as something that will lower the advantage pay-to-win players have.


Approved user
Jun 16, 2015
I'm willing to give it a chance but I'm extremely concerned about it spawning pay-to-win troops defensively. At minimum it will be another building you have to sabotage, at worse it could make wars a simple cash transaction, pay the most = win, which I suspect would drive many players away.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
I think we can all agree the stronghold limiting offensive troops is great. The static defense is fine too. The problem is donating troop tactics on defense. This turns into cash war, as nobody will be able to keep a steady supply of troop tactics without paying.


Approved user
Oct 27, 2015
There are many concerns with the feature of putting extra troops in the stronghold, not the defensive nature of the building itself. This was brought up many times in the past when stronghold was first hinted at. IMO, it is good that others are voicing their opinion; many here play the game regularly and at the highest level and may offer insight that the developers do not grasp. I remember when there were a whole bunch of supporters to give the glory system a chance when it was first announced. Where are they now?


Approved user
Oct 2, 2015
How about we prevent extra troops cards from being used in WW altogether and make it possible to donate regular troops in the stronghold?
Wouldn't that be what the vast majority of players want?


Approved user
May 26, 2016
How many troop cards r ppl limited to, I guess is the first question? Kind of alarming this isn't all. My assumption is they will set a limit of 3. So now there's 3 troop cards u can use and troop card(s) can b donated to your stronghold AND in your base...totally not pay to win. U didnt fix anything! I'll wait to c how things turn out, but knowing how u guys go about things I fear it'll be worse than before. Just like the whole Glory thing, ppl were all on me about it lol, its funny I don't c anything diff. than what I stated months ago. I am pessimistic about this game for a reason, history has a way of putting things into perspective.

I really hope u do an overhaul to WW because atm it's hot garbage. U removed all the skill out of wars when u introduced troop cards. Your greedy nature has ruined your best feature, yes no resolution to stalemates and sandbagging don't help, but u guys have an uncanny knack for making things worse!


Approved user
Oct 27, 2015
From the defensive standpoint, one of the greatest draw of wars is the satisfaction of devoting countless hours to building a great defensive base (both through gradual defensive upgrades and creative base layouts) which has been made moot with the rampant usage of extra troop cards. From an offense standpoint, the ability to plan and execute a fantastic attack on a difficult base has been made more hollow with easy access to extra troops. I imagine most folks who play this game would prefer as balanced a playing field as possible, where exceptional skills and creativity in both attack and defense are rewarded. However, it is clear that the game is being stacked against alliances without the resources to purchase extra troops to beat/stalemate richer alliances with stronger bases and now, their task is made doubly difficult with strongholds capable of spewing extra troops.

British Coffee

Approved user
Nov 8, 2016
This is terrible idea. The whole point of stronghold was make WW less P2W and make troop tactics take less space so tactics are easier to use. Now you are just discouraging the low level players from participating in the WW while keeping WW still P2W. It would have been much cooler if you could donate a tactics. Donating betrayal to your low level alliance so he can throw down betrayal on enemy donated cannons, throwing down extra sabotage or protection for higher level players. This would have been much more fun than just throwing down howitzer army pack or whatever OP P2W units mindlessly to the bases.

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
So....there will still be a mystery of what has been used against us. Still no mention of any sort of defense log in wars, much less replays?