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stronghold donated troop tactic change

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
people can donate automated age tactics to any base to make it impregnable to compensate for shoddy and rushed defences but thats gets very annoying and makes people bot think about defence to me.

my change to the system is that you recieve tactics with a 1 or 2 age difference between them so an industrial age player can only recieve global to atomic level as their highest tactic or below.

i think this would encourage more alliance cohesion and activity while wrangling in this annoying imbalance.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Then ya could say the same about donated troops correct? This was donated from a higher age ally it should stay the same level as given.
Level 13 Troop Tactic level should not drop down just because it is donated to a lower age ally.

This works fair both sides in war. Just as most attackers want to use the best TT they can, so should the defender. Plus if your a good attacker stronghold troop are rendered useless by attacking air units or betray.

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
Then ya could say the same about donated troops correct? This was donated from a higher age ally it should stay the same level as given.
Level 13 Troop Tactic level should not drop down just because it is donated to a lower age ally.

This works fair both sides in war. Just as most attackers want to use the best TT they can, so should the defender. Plus if your a good attacker stronghold troop are rendered useless by attacking air units or betray.
but alliances have perks that promite troops automatically... and your always sour


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
I am not being sour. It is something that your alliance and opposition alliance can use equally.

With that being said it is fair in its current format.

Remember just because someone views things differently on a given subject does not mean they are sour. Just means they have a different veiw. My comments are directed at an idea posted not the person posting it. I wish you all nothing but the best.
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Nov 30, 2023
I am not being sour. It is something that your alliance and opposition alliance can use equally.

With that being said it is fair in its current format.

Remember just because someone views things differently on a given subject does not mean they are sour. Just means they have a different veiw. My comments are directed at an idea posted not the person posting it. I wish you all nothing but the best.
This is pure bias, tell me if someone gave 100 level general to classical to global age how will u counter that , that too like Eisenhower, it's true no way auto age tactics can be countered by small alliances . It should be like if u destroy stronghold before spawning troops they all must die

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
.. and your always sour
No, not always. Often, but not always. 😄

Sorry guys but this is a useless argument. If your opponent can have super age troops defending their base then so can you. What works for them works for you, as Seek said. Been like that since the year dot - it'll never change ..... 🤞
Also, as Seek said, there are ways.
If BHG made everything easy for you then where's the challenge?? Want something easier? Don't war. Stay in Iron age, just do pvp and don't rely on Info age bazookas. Problem solved.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
Use the enemy's strength against himself, who is stopping you? Tactic "Betrayal". When fielding troops of a much higher level than yours, always think about the fact that they may be directed against you. This is always a “double-edged sword”. To learn to win, you always need to play with a stronger opponent, including learning to use his troops against himself.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
This is pure bias, tell me if someone gave 100 level general to classical to global age how will u counter that , that too like Eisenhower, it's true no way auto age tactics can be countered by small alliances . It should be like if u destroy stronghold before spawning troops they all must die
Well brother I got news for ya wait till you play game and actually make it to drone age all generals are level 110, troop tactic are all level 13 and most attackers use stronghold for extra TT etc etc so if your moaning ( stole from King C) now about stronghold TT your in for a world of hurt lol Again it is fair both sides get to fill defenders stronghold. I gave ya the most effective way defeat strong hold troops lol

Kinda know a little being a level 443 lol


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2021
How about instead of the highest level player filling war town center and sh, that only the owner of the base can fill their own base, that solves packed lower bases, plus makes everyone involved in the war contribute to the cause.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
It’s part of being in alliance that your teammates can fill your base with high level tactics.

The alliances I face in war are all auto lol so this is not helping me at all lol this system is not broke your attack style just needs adjustments

Plus if your allowing players like me to load my own TT I am loading nothing but premiums lol


Nov 30, 2023
Well brother I got news for ya wait till you play game and actually make it to drone age all generals are level 110, troop tactic are all level 13 and most attackers use stronghold for extra TT etc etc so if your moaning ( stole from King C) now about stronghold TT your in for a world of hurt lol Again it is fair both sides get to fill defenders stronghold. I gave ya the most effective way defeat strong hold troops lol

Kinda know a little being a level 443 lol
Bro were u ignorant from birth or acquired this trait. I said if I'm in any age upto global nd attacking same age as mine nd opponents stronghold is filled with 2 or 3 110 level generals plz tell me how will u counter them, no betrayal,sabotage etc will work.
This system is against low level players. Nd i haven't seen anyone being proud of being idle man like seriously u r proud that you invested years in game but all are not like you , people got jobs nd spend quality time with family not everyone can play like you
Nd the way you want buffs just bcz ur in drone age you actually vouching the opinion that new comers are at loss .


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Really insults just because a I disagree with giving another advantage to attacking players.

So really it is fair your alliance can fill your defenders the same way lol so why cry about TT your own defenders can use. Oh that right there seems only worried about yourself.

As for defending low filled bases with high level TT can add precious seconds in time wars no matter your age. See can help all alliances
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Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
ive made a post like this long ago and wow that escalated also isnt there a glitch people exploited for free tactics or has that been fixed?

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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
This system is against low level players.
Not that I want to pile on you as well, but that's one sided thinking. In my opinion, this alliance donating system is designed to help low level players. Why else would the gate be available so early on? That's its purpose.
Keep an open mind at what people are saying. What works for them also works for you.


Nov 30, 2023
Really insults just because a I disagree with giving another advantage to attacking players.

So really it is fair your alliance can fill your defenders the same way lol so why cry about TT your own defenders can use. Oh that right there seems only worried about yourself.

As for defending low filled bases with high level TT can add precious seconds in time wars no matter your age. See can help all alliances
U didn't addressed problems I stated just whining same lines in different ways. U r not ready to accept it's faults at first place no way u can tell something to improve it or play a level playing field