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Tactic post industrial age rework and redesign suggestions


New member
Nov 25, 2023
In the industrial age, every barrack unit got a significant rework in terms of their stats and multipliers. However, many of the tactics at that point (especially of the damaging kind) feel a little ignored. Here are some suggestions.

1. Barrage. (Industrial age-)
When tanks become more and more prevelant on defense, the less useful Barrage becomes. My suggestion is to give it a multiplier against heavy cavalry tanks. This damage multiplier should probably be at around 10x - 15x damage. If that isn't enough, you could also make it suppress defenders. Not defensive towers though. The visual change would be same, turning into a spray of bullets.

2. First Aid. (Industrial age-)
I feel First Aid lacks versatility. Especially on armies with infantry. The change I would add is an instant 500 (600 when factoring the library) health healed upon deployment. While it won't help tanks much, it could help give infantry a chance against redoubts and catapults. The visual change would have it changed into a boxed medkit.

3. Sabotage. (Industrial age)
The changes for Sabotage would be purely visual, changing the gears into a motor.

4. Demolition. (Global age)
As towers become stronger and more abundant, single tower elimination become less beneficial, and most key defenses are tough to easily take out. Therefore, i suggest a slight change in purpose. Upon detonating, it will deal splash damage in 2 tile radius area. This splash damage deals 25% to surrounding buildings. Walls recieve 3x from the explosion, making demolition able to weaken walls, whilst taking out key buildings. Defenders, storages and town centers receive 15% damage. Infantry and cavalry defenders are also knocked back. The visual change has the stick of dynamite changed to a c4 based explosive.

5. Protect. (Atomic age)
This is the last one I have ideas for. What I would add would be adding a special effect to protected troops. This would be a full immunity to slow, suppression, knockback, and stun effects. This can ensure one's forces don't remain sitting ducks, whilst being pestered by enemy fire. The visual change would change the shield design into body armor.

While most of these changes minor, I think they could help the early tactics feel stronger, or even just more fitting of the modern astetic of the later ages.

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
for demolition change it to dps cause the fuse take about 5 seconds this would make it better for damaging buildings with a big cut in dps for resource and cory centres.

first aid: a big boost in percentage of health from a single to like 10-15%.


New member
Nov 25, 2023
for demolition change it to dps cause the fuse take about 5 seconds this would make it better for damaging buildings with a big cut in dps for resource and cory centres.

first aid: a big boost in percentage of health from a single to like 10-15%.
1. It would be unnecessary to change how demolition displays damage, as it only hits once.

2. I am unsure what you mean with your changes to first aid.

Dhruv patel

Approved user
Aug 27, 2017
1. It would be unnecessary to change how demolition displays damage, as it only hits once.

2. I am unsure what you mean with your changes to first aid.
1. the demolition changes from 6000 fixed (around induatrial now) to 6000 dps cause the fuse takes 5 seconds to do so demoliton would do 30,000 damage after this change.

2. first aid heals 4% of troop max hp for a time so 4% becomes 10% or more instead.


New member
Nov 25, 2023
1. the demolition changes from 6000 fixed (around induatrial now) to 6000 dps cause the fuse takes 5 seconds to do so demoliton would do 30,000 damage after this change.

2. first aid heals 4% of troop max hp for a time so 4% becomes 10% or more instead.
1. I personally don't think just one demolition should be able to instantly destroy forts, strongholds, or missile silos. While I agree that it needs a damage buff. I wouldn't increase it by 400%.

2. A level 1 heavy tank, with no upgrades, has 20.000 hitpoints. That means first aid heals 800 hitpoints per second. If it was 10% instead of 4%, it would heal 2.000 hitpoints per second. That is more healing per second, than what most towers can deal per second. Infact, the only towers at that age, that can outmatch that healing, are anti-tank guns and the parliament. A tower deals roughly 400 dps, so you only need 2 to outmatch the healing of 800. With 2.000, you need 5 towers to be attacking at once. There is a reason they never made it go higher than 4%. 5% could maybe work, but not 10%.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Basically increases to demolition that your currently talking 30k and increasing heal to 10% at industrial level would totally destroy defenders from even stopping anything .

1 demo per AA equals not stopping anything in the air for the most part
1 heal tactic of 10% would allow bases to be walked thru or destroyed by saboteurs and more

The coalitions currently in game allow 2 demo to destroy 1 AA with ADTHP upto +126 roughly and this already hurts defenders enough now your talking being able to destroy all AA plus.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Tactics are supposed to augment your attack - any significant boost is just another way of making your attack so easy that you don't have to think too hard about your attack. As it is some tactics are already in danger of being too powerful.


New member
Nov 25, 2023
Tactics are supposed to augment your attack - any significant boost is just another way of making your attack so easy that you don't have to think too hard about your attack. As it is some tactics are already in danger of being too powerful.
Agreed. That's why I either:
1. Buffed the weaker tactics, like barrage and demolition.
2. Gave minor changes, that don't significantly affect the main effect, ie. first aid and protect.
Or 3. Ones I didn't even bother with changing, aka sabotage


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Demolition in war is powerful enough as is. Anymore would allow 9 defensive towers to be taken out by demolition and then ya have silo, and more. Bases minus 11 or more Defense tower would not be a challenge.


New member
Nov 25, 2023
Demolition in war is powerful enough as is. Anymore would allow 9 defensive towers to be taken out by demolition and then ya have silo, and more. Bases minus 11 or more Defense tower would not be a challenge.
Does this have to do my suggestions? If so, I would have splash effect be unaffected by coalitions.
Fx, if we say demolition deals 6000, then the splash damage would be 1500 against buildings, 18000 against walls, and 900 damage against the town center, storage, and defender troops. Then even if the coalition bonus is 25%, making the main damage 7500, then the splash damage would stay the same.