The Lucky Museum Crafting Event


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I won’t be replacing my main hall artis because I dumped them all except resource jewelry. I’ll still have mounds of fragments when they raise the bonus odds for war hall artis!


Approved user
May 17, 2018
you dumped them all? but doesn't that leave you in a disadvantage when looting?


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
All except resource jewelry. It’s easy enough to loot without troop bonuses, and any of the other types of resource bonuses equal the haul for one more attack a day. Not worth the administrative overhead given the crude museum interface.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
How can he shoot himself in the foot? He got rid of all his ammunition! :D


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
What part of
benefits start at 11%.
Fully upgrade these benefits to get a 20% bonus to a particular attribute.

is so hard to understand? :)


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Unlikely but hoping for a similar event for war artifacts but that would really just break an already broken game. Nearly all my main hall artifacts are lvl 1 artifacts because that’s all I’ve needed. There is the benefit of being cwa and having a decently designed base so that I don’t get attacked. I had 25k frags and used 2k for this event to see and sure enough you do get quite a lot of 11% though getting a bunch of 11% doesn’t mean anything when they are for things you don’t need like mortar troops or heavy Calvary. I think the percentages are way higher to get 11% items.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I don't get what all you guys talk about. Playing cowboys? 😆
Anyways I wish I could get rid of my looting artifacts too, my storage is full cause I'm hoarding 😩
Still can't find the best way to organize artifacts


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
That’s my point sileepuppee... you reach a certain point where main hall artifacts are just so much clutter.


Approved user
Oct 6, 2015
Thanks for the stats Nate. That helps to explain it. BTW - I was referring to the relics with an immediate 11% on the first line. Several offered 11%, but required upgrades to lines 3,4, or 5, which requires lots of resources.


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Hi Flailer, not sure you got this answered yet. Yup, it does feel like re-rolls enjoy the x5 chance of getting an 11%... Enjoy!


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
i crafter 3 legendary status normal artifacts only yesterday. 4 lines with 11% and 1 with 6%. This event will have most of the people replacing their already unlocked artifacts with new ones...and the supply grind starts from the beginning....
ohhh Nexon, you are a clever boy when it comes to such tricks!! hahaha
You only have approximately 2% chance to craft an 11% attribute regularly, so 5x would be around 10% chance per line. So crafting an artifact with
1 is now 10% (2%),
2 is 1% (0.04%),
3 is 0.1% (0.008%),
4 is 0.01% (0.000016%) , and
5 attributes at 11% is now 0.001% (3.2% x 10^-10).

Which is better than before but still astronomically low. These numbers were gathered from a previous post where people took 1000s of fragments and wrote down results, so a bit more scientific
Hi Wrathchild & Nate,

Yeah, you can imagine I've been testing this extensively, lol. I'd kept about 25k frags on hand because I suspected they might do a 'lucky' event. Never expected x5 tho! That's seriously generous (thank you Nexon dev team! you guys & girls rock!)

Usually, our chance of scoring an 11% benefit varies between 2-6% per line. I agree with Wrathchild tho. During the early days of the lucky event, it's been real easy to roll artefacts with two or three 11% lines. Could be a luck thing. Or it could be that the benefit was set at more than x5 at the start. Only Nexon know for sure. This weekend, I'm not hitting as many of those three 11% lines per artefact, and definitely no four 11% lines any more...

What I can also report is it's (temporarily) changed my attitude to artefacts. I got real picky. Artefacts that I used to think were good, mostly with three useful 11% lines have been trashed. Sold for the fragments haul to fund making new 'luckier' ones. And I'm left with replacement artefacts that all have three to five 11% lines.

For example:
Dancing dog with redoubt dmg +11%, anti-tank dmg +11%, silo dmg +11%, gold mines +11% (normally I'd trash that but with everything else I'll live with it), sniper dmg +11%
Acamapichtli dog with tower dmg +11%, sniper dmg +1% (yeah, I know), catapult dmg +11%, redoubt dmg +11%, silo dmg +11%
They're gonna need some working up, but when they're done, they'll give missile silo dmg +40%, redoubt MG tower dmg +40%, etc...

Across two weapon artefacts, I've now got four raider hit points +11%, so when I work those up, my raiders will enjoy +80% hitpoint protection. Looting isn't difficult when you're cwa, but it's gonna get a whole lot easier... Am guessing other players have much the same. So I'm expecting to get hit by a new generation of 'uber raiders' and will tidy up my raider defenses to be ready for ya... ;-)

How did this work out for Nexon? Pretty darned well, I'd say. I'm not one of the whales. I was shocked when one of the Singapore players admitted to racking up $100,000 spend on Dom a few months ago (seriously?!?! wth?!?!). But I know I've spent the wrong side of $100 to pay for re-rolls for my best artefacts. Was it worth it? I guess it's kinda the cost of three or four old style PC games. Or half the cost of a cheap flight to a sunny beach. So no biggie once every few months I suppose. But I wouldn't wanna be burning that amount of money often.

Not every player is going to ante up for re-rolls. So events like this are gonna place some distance between players who pay (something) or who are simply extraordinarily lucky... vs players who don't (or aren't lucky at all)... Not sure how I feel about that. But am happy to enjoy the spoils for now...

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Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Yeah, I know what you mean @Cannibals...
Once you get to a reasonably advanced CWA, you can always loot atomics & globals, and pretty much pick up what you need, like going out to a grocery store... But, thinking ahead to Space Age, it can't do any harm to have raiders with +80% hp... So, heck, why not, right?
[evil grin]


Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
I did pay zero. Crafted for about 40k of Fragments and got tonns of 11%. Anyhow, I had to throw most of them away because the attributes where not useful at all. I still keep my jewelry with loot bonuses starting at about 3 lines of 6% and 1 to two with 11% beacuse they could not be outmatched even with the event. The attributes changed a lot since introduction, so it is much less likely overall to get e.g. great jewelry now. Anyhow, I did get that often 11% lines during the event, that I would think it's about 50% change per line for that. In the end I did keep about 4 or 5 good artefacts from the event. That's ok. Ty Nexon for this great event that was a motivation to suffer the crafting and sorting out process and by that getting rid of the fragment stock which accumulated over time due to the fact that it is just that painfully to sort artefacts out.


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
My spoils I picked up
Queen Zenobia Necklace
-11% air def dmg, -6% air def HP, +11% rss loot, +11% gold loot, +6% NTG loot

Itzcoatl Tlaloc Vessel
+11% Redoubt dmg, +11% Missle silo dmg, +11% Sniper Tower dmg, +6% Missile Silo dmg, +6% Redoubt hp.

Krater Vase
+11% sniper tower dmg, +11% tower hp, +6% oil well rss, +11% ATG hp, +11% redoubt dmg

Alex Sword
+6% defender spawn, +11% heavy infantry hp, +1% fighter dmg, +11% HT hp, +1% guerilla dmg.

I was really hoping for a weapon with
+11% HT hp, +11% fighter hp, +11% fighter dmg, +11% Bazooka hp and +11% guerilla hp,

But you can only dream...
I saved 8k fragments for a shot at some beast War artifacts during the next lucky event... *fingers crossed*


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I'm surprised the ''I hate the museum, the museum is a lottery, the museum should be removed, the museum must be more transparent, the museum is unfair'' lobby is so quiet in this thread.
Maybe they're all too busy crafting artifacts? :D

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I'm surprised the ''I hate the museum, the museum is a lottery, the museum should be removed, the museum must be more transparent, the museum is unfair'' lobby is so quiet in this thread.
Maybe they're all too busy crafting artifacts? :D

The museum should be transparent.

Thank you.


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Nice artefacts Nate!! Your itzcoatl vessel is kick ass
Multi line 11% defense dmg boosts pretty much flatten any casual looters...
Equals no more resources drain... especially after last year's huge defense boosts...