This will get people upgrading and using coalitions more.....

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Two things;
1. Reward active players by giving NTGs in the victory chest. Seriously, how useful is 5 cider or 100k of gold? Give players choices of different NTGs instead.
2. Currently I have level 4 Aztecs - that means I can either spend X NTGs for a level 4 Aztec coaltion, or spend no NTGs for no Aztec coaltion. Change it so I can choose what level I want to set my Aztec coaltion to (up to the level I have currently researched) so in my case when I click on the Aztecs I get an up and a down arrow to increase the coaltion level to 1, 2, 3 or 4, and obviously the number of NTGs increase accordingly. That way I can research all coalitions to level 6 and if we're facing a hard opponent I'll set them to level 6 but if its an easy opponent I might only set them to level 2. There is no way under the current setup that I'm upgrading my coalitions beyond level 3 or 4 because using level 5 or 6 coalitions every war is far too unrealistic.
Make these 2 changes and I am certain more players will use more coalitions more often......


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Great idea LP

grinding for ntg's is turning domi into a chore not a game and we are losing people from war because of it


Approved user
May 14, 2015
I +1 these 2 proposals. Great ideas. #2 is so obvious I can't believe it's not there yet.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I absolutely agree with 1, and also with 2 but I can see why Nexon would not do it. If they go down that road, people will be asking to choose lower level mercenaries and blessings too.

I have a feeling that NTGs are harder to come by since the last update; I rarely have the resources needed to form the coalitions I want.

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Completely agree about NTGs being harder to come by, my storehouse hasn't been full since the update (I'm raiding just as much and am not using more coalitions)
I see your point about mercenaries although just because you can't choose lower level mercs once upgraded, you can choose the number of mercs you want - I get to choose whether I use 1, 2 or 3 tank destroyers for each battle. I make my decision based on difficulty of opponent and my available resources. That is exactly how my suggestion for coalitions would work.....


Approved user
Aug 19, 2016
I don't agree with #1, not unless they improve the drop rate of goods from Mines/ Trees. It isn't just about mercs, they are also used for blessings. You can use training & tactics blessing to do more battles which means more NTGs.

I can understand why some might like it, but I don't really see the point of #2. You choose whether or not you upgrade the coalitions, only upgrade them if you are able to get the NTGs. You should know roughly how many NTGs you get per week. For me the NTG drop rate now is the same as it was when NTGs were first added.

The issue as I see it, is the capacity of NTGs in the storehouse. If I buy 3 offensive coalitions, typically two of those coalitions will require the same NTG while some of the NTGs won't be used by any of the offensive coalitions. So after buying 3 coalitions this week, I have no Tea left but maxed out Wood and Silk in my storehouse. Because the same NTGs will be required for the next 7 days (or is it 5?), i'm going to have to loot tons of Tea for the next war, where as the Wood and Silk that I loot I can't store. It's a huge waste.
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Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
Keep in mind that Marco Polo in the next update will give you the option to trade other things for NTGs.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I get you now. So another way to implement this would be to give the embassy say 6 slots instead of 3. Coalitions would be half the cost, and you could double up on something you really want. I would put a limit on how many slots you could use for each nation, otherwise you could have 150% barrack troop attack bonus ;-D

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
That would be nice if Marco Polo gives you the option to gain NTGs although my interpretation in the March state of the nations is that you'll be able spend NTGs to buy other goods, which will of course make the strain on NTGs even greater.
Does anyone know if M.P. will help you gain NTGs or allow you to spend them?

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Fair point on #1 although ironically I don't have a problem with other trade goods, I use blessings all the time and I'm always maxed out on regular trade goods. Nice that there a lots of ways to play this game.

I'm jealous you can predict how many NTGs you'll get each week as I can't. Given there is no rule about how NTGs are awarded I have no earthly idea how much Tea I would get if I raided 10 Chinese bases - 2, 5, 8? And why do I sometimes get two NTGs when I hit a base and other times only one (and most of the time none) If there was a rule like diamonds where you knew you'd get an NTG if you did a particular thing then I'd be happy but at the moment it's just a random numbers game!

I currently have the same issue you do where one NTG is at zero and a few others are maxed. Currently you have to raid like mad and hope the game awards you enough of the low NTG to activate the coalition you want - with my suggestion you wouldn't have that issue, you'd just activate the coalition at a level you could afford.....


Approved user
Aug 19, 2016
It's personal preference. I end up having to attack #1 and #2, I like going in with max coalitions to make sure I have it covered as I don't want to be responsible for the alliance losing the war. Otherwise i'd prefer to opt out and save the NTGs for the next war, it's not as if the loot rewards are massive. Before they re-balanced the coalitions, your idea would have been pretty useful as there was diminishing returns for upgrading coalitions. But it's going to be less useful now from where NTG cost scales better, NTG wise you get most bang for buck with a leveled coalition. Maori @ level 1 gives 5% buffs for 6 NTGs, but gives 10% buffs for 8 NTGs etc.

As for how many NTGs you get per week, you should have a feel for the average. How quickly you win the battle has a huge effect on their drop rate. So I have a rough idea of how many I will get based on my medal range, age, offensive upgrades and how bothered I can be. My EA account gets them almost every battle from where it mows down Gunpowder bases. My main account is struggling a little for NTGs since going Global, but i'm guessing that's going to down to not having done offensive upgrades yet. There's also less undeveloped IA/ Global bases, partly from where there didn't used to be a level requirement for each age.