• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Unable to Load Game At All?


Approved user
May 22, 2016
So Thursday (the 26th) I won a battle and I waited for the 2 min yellow spinner saying I lost connection, which then timed out. The game said I may not have received all my battle winnings and to check the battle log, then crashed. Since then I have been completely unable to load the game. It gets to the loading screen, then makes that sound to indicate a timed mission is completed or expired as you normally load your base, but before it loads it crashes. Every time. I've tried reinstalling the game, tried it on multiple wifis and on different devices, it's all the same scenario. My alliance can see that I come online at those times, which makes me think that I do actually connect to the server. Today I even tried and it said I was being attacked. I waited for the attack timer to run out and reloaded but it crashed before my base could load.
Whenever I reinstall it loads the tutorial base just fine but as soon as I try to load my IA base the game crashes like every other time.

This makes four days that I have been getting notifications about getting attacked steadily but cannot play the game whatsoever... Don't get me wrong I love this game I've been addicted since last April... But how can Nexon expect this to be a playable game right now??

Is anyone else experiencing something like this, and have they been able to successfully get through to customer service?


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
I have the same thing.
Started today.
Right after an attack and the "wait while we load this to our servers" message.
Have not been able to get back on either.
App closes when the pointers show up.


Approved user
Feb 4, 2016
Ive had the same problem for days now. Ive contacted CS and they've been sending me emails on how to fix but none has worked so far.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2016
I got exact same issue from last 3 days. Unable to load game as soon as game about to load, it crashes. I'm really frustrated. My Alliance got 30+ members and what a shame leader wont able to login from 3 days.
Mike09 I believe CS is not good at all. They just keep tellin me it may be phone memory issue or WiFi. It's only happen to my account (ID), if i start fresh game on another phone then it works fine, but as soon as i try to login to my account game wont start.


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
No Title

Exactly the same for me only it happened last Friday. Totally unable to load my base for a week now and I have no idea what anyone is doing about it :(


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Approved user
May 31, 2016
Considering Guinevere has had this problem for a week now, i believe it's time to move on and forget this game.
The support just doesn't give a flying fuck about the costumers.


Approved user
May 26, 2016
I don't know if it's a fix or it was just a coincidence, but something similar happened to a member of our alliance. She couldn't log into the game, but we saw her as being online. We figured something was wrong with her account, as she tried everything (changed wi-fi, changed device, reinstalled the game, reboot+reverse the device to factory settings and nothing worked). So we kicked her off the alliance with the purpose to change something on her player account. She logged on without problems right after that, though she needed to wait for 24 hours to join back the alliance.
So again, not sure that kicking her off alliance was the thing that fixed it, but it worked for us.


Approved user
May 31, 2016
Hi all.
Literally the exact scenario as Mike happened to me two nights ago. I crash back to the home screen whenever I try to load the game. It must be some comms error between our accounts and the server. Why can't they fix it?
I've been playing for 14 months, and built up a fairly upgraded IA base. I am also the leader of my alliance, like Guinevere.
Support sent back a generic reply addressing connection issues, and they ignored all 4 other messages I tried to sent???

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

South Africa ZA


Approved user
Mar 21, 2016
hi everyone,

In the middle of a multiplayer battle, sudently the game crashed and never opened again. When the green bar is filling it crashes, making impossible to play the game.

I already tried to reinstall, reset, restore, opened 5gb space on my Ipad, checked several times my wi-fi connection (which is working fine), contact the customer service and nothing worked...

Please help!!!


Approved user
May 22, 2016
I don't know if it's a fix or it was just a coincidence, but something similar happened to a member of our alliance. She couldn't log into the game, but we saw her as being online. We figured something was wrong with her account, as she tried everything (changed wi-fi, changed device, reinstalled the game, reboot+reverse the device to factory settings and nothing worked). So we kicked her off the alliance with the purpose to change something on her player account. She logged on without problems right after that, though she needed to wait for 24 hours to join back the alliance.
So again, not sure that kicking her off alliance was the thing that fixed it, but it worked for us.

So my alliance tried booting me. It notifies me as soon as I try loading that I've been removed but then it crashes again... So it must have been a coincidence as weird as that is.
Thanks for the suggestion though!


Approved user
May 22, 2016
If it wasn't for the great people in my alliance I would have quit trying and gave up on the game long ago... A week of this crashing bug is ridiculous!


Approved user
Jun 1, 2016
I have the same problem. I have mailed my username and number. Hopely they can reset my game to yesterday morning when i had no problems......


Approved user
Sep 29, 2015
My account has worked great until two days ago when the game crashed and right after that one of my recent troop upgrade was removed and the food paid for it as well.. Support gave me compensation though and I was back in happy state when only to realize this evening that I can´t access my account/village anymore. As the rest who reported about this I tried a lot of ways to get in but no sucess and I am now afraid that I will get kicked out from the alliance if this will take for ages..which this timespan from first report until now indicates.


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
prosta if you do get kicked from your alliance - and if the game ever loads again - just rejoin. If a player is kicked they can still go back to the alliance 24hrs later I believe.


Approved user
Sep 29, 2015
Guinevere I know but still it is frustrating as I am a co-leader and it looks like I am online when I try to start the app. Another thing is that the alliance is full closed since a while back and now only contains active members so hardly anyone leave. I will try to contact someone in there I guess just in case this takes forever and the reply I got today gives me shivers as it is just indicating that they didn´t even bother to read my email and sent a standard reply asking for info and telling me to try performance related things like free up memory and deleting cash. I explained in my first email that I have already tested that and that it is NOT performance related on device level but probably due to corrupt data.. So of course I get tired and I guess I never play again ...so many hours invested


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
I completely understand. I have sent many messages to cs - my only hope is that they take note because so many are affected. I got into my alliance by creating a new game and building up until I could join (as leader I had recently set medal requirements at 200 to get past the membership problem). We can see my leadership base sitting there in limbo, no buildings completing, no attacks happening. We also set up a facebook pag for our alliance and a Line account because this has happened once before. If you can keep in contact with someone in your alliance at least it could help you get back in. As a co-leader they might not kick you anyway.