• Ending Support for AOS6
    As highlighted in our 12.10 Update notes, we will be ending support for AOS6 with the release of the 12.11 Update due to technical requirements. Those on AOS6 will need to upgrade to a device that supports AOS7 or above to continue playing DomiNations.

Update on Network Issues


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
Greetings Leaders,

We’re still very hard at work in completing a fix for the issues around Instant Retrain/Retraining in general and Combat. We confirmed early on that there is a network disconnect that is causing retrains to fail, and it is because of this disconnect that in some cases the game also doesn’t save previous Army compositions to retrain upon returning from battle. The difficulty in this fix that we’ve found, and very much in line with your experiences, is that it encompasses many scenarios including in/out of battle and in/out of World Wars. This issue hasn’t impacted all players but is still an issue that needs to be fixed for a much more consistent and stable experience.

We would like to stress that we’re working daily to resolve the issues from the last few weeks and haven’t ignored them. You may have noticed we’ve been releasing incremental hotfixes that are all tackling the different aspects of this widespread instability issue. While not all experiences have been resolved, we’ve seen some improvements surrounding World War Network Connections. Essentially there are many symptoms that lead to the Network Disconnect, and we’re trying to cure the disease attached to those symptoms, one symptom being the inability to retrain. We are making headway to address many of these issues players are experiencing in the very near future.

Again, if you are currently experiencing issues around retraining your troops please refrain from using your stock of Instant Retrain Blessings. If you have not been experiencing issues feel free to use them. While we’re confident in our upcoming solution there is always a chance for some outliers, and those still impacted we ask that you submit reports to our Customer Service team after our next Hotfix arrives.

We apologize for how long this is taking, it’s a very difficult issue to track down the root cause accurately because of how many variables can lead to the problem. We’ll continue to update via forums as new information becomes available. It is understandably frustrating to have such a core experience to be in such a state, and we’re superbly grateful for everyone who is still sticking around and playing. We certainly can’t thank you enough!

Below we have a list of the current known issues and fixes that we’re really focused on. This list isn’t outlining every aspect that we’re working on, but highlights some Mission Critical Player facing concerns. We’ll work on updating this regularly so that you can keep up to date on the state of where we’re at on the upcoming fixes to the core experience of DomiNations.

Known Issues and Fixes

  • Network Disconnect “Yellow circle”- Some players were unable to access basic functions of the game due to a network issue. This would appear as an indefinite loading circle.
    • Would sometimes appear when an alliance is in a world war and a player is kicked/leaves after the war has started.
    • Some Players impacted by the “spinning yellow circle” are unable to attack during world war
    • Partial fix was released in a server hotfix, specifically for those unable to enter into a World War because of “Yellow Circle”
    • Future fixes are still being researched and tested
  • Retrain Disconnect- Some players would receive a network disconnect post battle causing the game to be unable to save the previous Army composition.
    • A fix is currently undergoing testing before implementation, but should be going live in the very near future.
  • Retrain Disconnect with Instant Retrain Blessing Active- Related to the network disconnect being unable to save compositions. This would render Instant Retrain blessings unusable for the affected players.
    • Reports of attempting to retrain after combat players are disconnected. When they return not all, if any, troops are available for retrain.
    • A fix is currently undergoing testing before implementation, but should be going live in the very near future.
  • Implementing a UI update to make retrain availability clearer(11.2.5 Release)
    • Some reports shared showed instances where players wouldn’t be able to retrain troops due to correct in-game circumstances. This includes instances where a troop that would be retrained was coming from a building that was undergoing an upgrade.
    • In these instances, you wouldn’t be able to retrain the troop as the building would be unavailable. We’ll be adding an in-game message to help differentiate the reason behind something being unable to be retrained.
  • The client makes Rapid reconnect attempts post a disconnect “Yellow Circle”
    • Ongoing investigation
  • Some Players would load into alternate Game Center linked accounts post the 11.2.1 update
    • A Fix has been implemented


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Thanks for the pronouncement.
It's important to the community and the entire player base to make periodic announcements like this.
You should make it a habit, not an exception.


New member
Oct 19, 2022
Does making Alliance Speedup Requests cause crashes?
I think it does. I've reported that to them. When I disconnect after battle I would have big yellow circle and little one over building that was requested to speed up.


Sep 25, 2022
Thank you, I suppose, for trying.
But the game seems to be more and more unplayable with each day.

Troops I have purchased (VIP-Ret. Gladiator and those from watching advertisements) are not showing up in my SH.
My bases (both War and regular) keep re-writing themselves such that I have to go in and repair them every day... today my walls were "broken" (5 that I had re-placed yesterday... and the day before... were removed leaving gaping holes in my city defenses) and a house and oil well were placed such that walls were running through them.

It is just sad... this game used to be fun but now it (and my relationship to it) are hanging on by a thread...


Sep 25, 2022
And again!!!!
In the time it took me to write the above my base re-set to it's previous unsaved problematic configuration.
Walls vanished, buildings moved or were removed...
This is just silly....

Domi Player

New member
Jul 8, 2022
I applaud the update and the transparency.

This kind of post I truly respect and appreciate and makes me wait with more patience.

Not going to go on about why it wasn't done in the past ( to this refreshing extent ), but I'm focusing on this positive move.

Again, I respect this level of transparency.

Let's get those fundamental issues fixed and then possibly find out who's has been genuinely effected and ways to quite possibly compensate them somehow.

Keep up the good work.


Sep 25, 2022
Look for the gladiator reciarios in your inventory, not the fortress. Currently the gladiator sold in the VIP store is a troop unit, not a troop tactic.
Thank you very much.
I apologized to Customer Service for my error, too.
That oughtta confuse the heck out of them....


Approved user
May 17, 2018
In the past, I have experienced crashes and spinning circle when I had an IRB active.
Now I am looting without one and I just had two consecutive spinning circle crashes.
The army that was being trained got lost .


Approved user
May 2, 2015
The army composition - which you say is being lost in those many cases - is readable from the players MP and WW logs.
Instead of putting effort into solving the missing Army Composition log - why isn't the battle log used if available?
I see all battles in my log (after which the network disconnect happened). Why on earth no retrain is offered based on the battle log (if that is available)??? Even if the Army Composition Log is missing, you have the Battle log. After a Network disconnect occurs and the new login is done both the Army Composition log and the battle logs shall be compared. if the Battle log has an entry for which the Army Composition Log is missing - use the Battle Log.

For me the game is unplayable - after every hit, im losing troops, without being able to retrain them even through the VIP retrain.
It was going from bad to worse by every hotfix.
I cant believe, that such a trivial task as rollback to the previous version (where it all worked) was never considered. The bug is here for 2 months now.
Well done to getting rid of many loyal and paying customers...
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New member
Dec 22, 2020
I think it does. I've reported that to them. When I disconnect after battle I would have big yellow circle and little one over building that was requested to speed up.
Customer Services answered me in game to say it doesn't, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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