User friendly based feedback


Approved user
May 15, 2015
Hello Developers,

Let me first introduce myself; I'm a game developer myself, mainly the creative brain and business/marketing aspect behind games and small part of programming/designing. But mainly hiring others to do the work for me.
Currently I'm playing DomiNations for my free time off, however I have noticed some minor irritations that aren't necessary.As game developer I appreciate feedback from my players and especially those that understand the background and inner core, such as programming and designing and business aspect. So let me give back.

It's not possible to run the game on the background, when creating an app I believe it's highly important to make it possible to run on the background. For example when people receive messages on WhatsApp/Telegram they want to check it out. Once you do, the game needs to reboot completely.
My suggestion is: Make it possible to go to your background for 2-5minutes. This will be enough to reply on messages and other stuff.

If you are inactive (For example; waiting for your barracks to complete building troops.) a message pops up if you are still playing. You need to reconnect the game completely when clicking on that message. This message seems to appear once a 5 minutes. It should change to at least 15 - 20 minutes. Excuse my language, but lets say. I can't even take a **** without taking the game with me to avoid getting raided. I understand this is to make sure people don't stay logged in 24/7 to avoid losing loot. However; the time is to short and very unfriendly to your costumers/players.
To compensate this; you might increase the amount of messages with code to avoid botters abusing the more time.
Note: This message (Every 5 minutes) could be considered as fake security; people as myself could write a program that avoid those messages even before it pops up. People with those skills that do want to cheat, could do it. It only creates a huge big disadvantage for your legit players.

Problems for people with bad internet.
Also would I like to point out the issue with bad internet connections. I myself have 120/120 up/down and never experience much disconnections. However when I travel around the country my internet can be poor. It happens once in awhile that I get disconnected. When I receive the message; much minutes have already passed. Once the internet is back; I got raided and lose loot I work hard to gain.
What I suggest is to create a system that, when you log off you have 5 minutes time to login otherwise you can be attacked. This will increase the user friendly immensely and that way you might even keep the players around with bad internet connection.

Now the sensitive feedback: When I started to play DomiNations, I payed approximately 8 Euro for 1.200 crowns. But recently this has changed to 11 euro for 1.200 crowns. This is nearly 40% increased without prior notice or warning. Luckily I noticed the price change before I brought more. Otherwise I'd be forced to do a chargeback due the feeling of being scammed. Also by international law you are obliged to make a clear announcement of any price changes. NEXON failed to do so, it is not only very unfriendly but it also causes a feeling of getting scammed.
Rule number one of gaming development: Never change your prices by more then 10%.
Note: Old (paying) players as myself now have a huge crown advantage.
But understand that a player as myself, won't buy anymore out of principle. Alright, I have a decent income a month. I don't care about paying 100 euro more or less for 14.000 crowns but with the current price change, without notice and 40% increase I simply don't buy anymore. (As said out of principle)

I also have another idea but this will case the gameplay to be completely different. I suggest that attacking players for loot is based on level/experience points and not based on medals. The reason I say this; sometimes I can attack level 20s as a level 50. And sometimes I get people from level 80. Since you can click through it (pass the player before attacking) it doesn't seem to be a problem. BUT, when I get a level 20 in my vision, why not steal those 10k with barely any effort?
Therefore I believe level based attacks is way better then medal based attacks.

All by all: The game is asking to much attention from the player. This could be fun during weekend when you are completely bored. Also making people addicted to your game, sad to say, but is one of the main goals in the perspective on business. As developer it's one of my own goals too. But one of the most important goal is; don't become to greedy. Don't increase prices of goods 'Just because more players play now' and keep in mind the the user friendly part, when you create options that are just unfriendly and causing irritations, your game will have to shut down soon.
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