Wall Sappers- make them walls go boom!


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
I figured with all the disappointment regarding the food for wall update and some issues with the university that some of us are looking for at least something good to say about the last update. The wall Sappers now deliver a much greater massive blow to the wall, so much so that i am strongly considering adding them back into the army mix again! Go head a test them out!


Approved user
Apr 20, 2016
Their reverted nerf is a much needed improvement. Though it has also become slightly more difficult to defend oil (and other storages) from breakers + raiders strat, which was actually one of the original complaints that got wall breakers nerfed in the first place. Besides the point that people back then barely had walls above lvl 8 and wall miner to wall sapper upped the amount of walls they broke from one to about five, it's three right now I believe.

What really needs a nerfing is demolition on storages. It's getting to the point of obnoxious when I check up my game to see I've lost double digits of oil in the span of hours. All because it's brainless, and leave the victim of said strat without a PT so the next guy can just waltz in and nab 4-5k easy oil. The one benefit being that the guys who do that strat are often times leaving themselves with hours of retrain time for their tactics, which then leaves them open to being raided or revenged.
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Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
I've read a lot of complaints going back and forth about the demolition on resource buildings or at least oil refinery. I honestly believe we should have at least two oil refineries, I mean we have 3 markets and mills, why not add another refinery. I know that wouldn't stop someone from using demolition on them but it would make it less advantageous to do so. Maybe 1 refinery in enlightenment age, 2 in Industrial Age and 3 in global and atomic..