Walls relocating itself on TOP of existing walls


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
This was not the first time that it happened, but because I had no screen shots previously, the exercise was futile. This time however I got some screen shots.

After the previous instances, I rebuild my entire base. So last night, waiting on upgrades I decided to to a total new layout, which I knew would be well tested because of excessive loot in stash.

True as Bob, I got attacked 4 times in a row. All failing miserably until the fourth IA dude which finally gave me a shield.

Watching the replays, it was odd for me that he walked straight through a wall....... It was then that I saw that the wall was not there!!!!!! Eventually found it, ON TOP of another wall.

Herewith some pictures:

Missing wall:
Wall Missing.jpg

Found wall on top of another:
Wall Found.jpg

In editor selecting wall:
Wall Lvl6.jpg

In editor re-selecting same wall:
Wall Lvl7.jpg


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
Bit of a catch 22 situation now. Although I've reported this to support, my shield will run out in 3 hours, by which time I'll have to fix the offending wall.

Not sure if fixing the wall will make it more difficult for support to investigate.

Yes, optimistic much.