When 4 markets just aren't enough...


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
That's a cop out. Let's have a name.

I guess I'm just a loudmouth that has to make a stink about everything. ;)

But, I do stand by my convictions, and when I say that all players should be given the same advantages and should play fairly, I do believe that. Even though the player in Will's OP wasn't banned, or their base re-set to it's last legitimate state, at least their extra structures were removed- which isn't the treatment every player gets. And while this player most likely did not receive their extra structures from a CS error or game glitch, if I had used my extra crown advantage I bet people wouldn't be praising me or CS.

It's just interesting how different players get different treatment and reactions from the community, and even within alliances (for example, allies that used the crown glitch in my alliance were reported and booted).


Sorry but I still don't see how this is fair. All it shows is you can cheat as much as you want until you get caught, then your account will be cleaned up and you become a legit player. It takes no account of the past and just gives cheaters a new virginity.

I've reported players who had more than 14 workers. All that happened is nexon removed the additonnal workers from their account. But that player still had months to upgrade everything with 100 workers or more and is now sitting with a max ia base completely legit while he started out with a cheaters base. What does he care that he only have 14 workers now that he already has everyhing built and can keep playing?

There should only be one rule for cheaters: permanent ban.

Not some kind of you've been a naughty boy, don't do it again BS.

Duplicate town centers aren't necessarily a cheat; remember when we had village swap issues? While those have been fixed, one aspect of the problem was that players ended up with structures on their bases that weren't theirs - including Town Centers. They get one strike - it gets logged - and we watch their account for a while. We also check our cheat reports to make sure they aren't there.

We're working on reporting for players that have max level things and shouldn't - I expect a large number of them to go away shortly.


Approved user
Jul 18, 2015
This is becoming laughable. I took two more screenshots today of similar villages and said to myself "why bother?". I deleted theme along with the ten others I've collected. No more crown purchases for me as well. I cant see myself continuing to buy crowns twice a month with this type of behavior being tolerated.