Where did the game I started playing go?

Brown Bear

Approved user
Jul 18, 2015
When I first started playing Dom I had lots of fun, being in the Stone Age, having my units stomp on puny Barbarians. I Was still having fun in the Bronze Age, then when I got to the Iron Age I picked my nation and loved my unique unit. I was loving the campaigns, the history, and the game. (I felt like one of those new posters lol) I was still pretty ignorant in classical. Once I got to the medieval the truth came in. I realized that cheaters were ruling the game, their were tons of bugs and glitches, ai problems aside. The game has become a bit better after ia update, but I still don't feel like this is the game I did start playing. So sad, hope things get better soon. -Brown Bear.


Jun 9, 2015
I was just having this thought myself. I'm "only" at 1400 medals, and nearly every base i come across is that of a cheater - maxed walls, units, and buildings. ...They weren't ready to release this game, and it shows. S**t, I could barely defeat maxed EA bases. What's the point anymore, really?


Approved user
Apr 16, 2015
When I first started playing Dom I had lots of fun, being in the Stone Age, having my units stomp on puny Barbarians. I Was still having fun in the Bronze Age, then when I got to the Iron Age I picked my nation and loved my unique unit. I was loving the campaigns, the history, and the game. (I felt like one of those new posters lol) I was still pretty ignorant in classical. Once I got to the medieval the truth came in. I realized that cheaters were ruling the game, their were tons of bugs and glitches, ai problems aside. The game has become a bit better after ia update, but I still don't feel like this is the game I did start playing. So sad, hope things get better soon. -Brown Bear.

Amen Brother

I have said the same thing. The game I started playing was fun, but every single update since has made the game more frustrating, including this last update.

Right now I have no diamonds and most of the players I attack have no diamonds. SO that greatly reduces the use of blessings and mercenaries. I can only 4 star or 5 star a base if I bring expensive troops with blessings and with mercenaries otherwise I will most likely lost those troops and of course without trade goods I can not bring the blessings and mercenaries needed to bring those kinds of satisfying victories

I've tried numerous combinations and the only time i have good succes is if I bring the whole enchilada of mercenaries belssings and tactics, but that limits your attacking ability and your ability to progress because trade goods are finite and quickly exhausted.

I keep thinking they'll figure this out and bring back the fun but its pretty obvious they want people paying to progress and not progressing through play. I always spend a few $$ at each age upgrades but that won't happen unless they nerf defenses some and bring back the offense. No way am I going to spend money just to progress, and no way can I hang around in Enlightenmnet age if I cannot get the resources I need with a little more ease.


Approved user
May 11, 2015
I bow to you for being an original poster with a real experience of how they games going DOWNN HILL, and not being like the paid to love posters.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
It is almost the same up there. I get matched-up with full upgraded Industrial Age players too but I just ignore em and press Next.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
nerf defenses... i wish, the last update just about made ballista/cannon towers invincible with there dps increase and they also up the damage of some traps, so now you HC and generals stand no chance at all against them.