Why dont oil shipments go into your inventory?

Lord P

Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
So every spare square of my base is filled up with 100’s of oil barrels that I’ve purchased with diamonds. Instead of clogging up my base why dont they just automatically get added to the resource tab of my inventory? Isn’t that what its there for?

Nexon seem determined not to fix all of the seriously broken issues within this game, so hopefully assigning some devs to changing where oil shipments go will give them an excuse to keep putting off fixing sandbagging, glitchy replays and mid-game crashes. You’re welcome Nexon

Master Contrail Program

Approved user
Oct 1, 2016
Because if you could store limitless oil in your inventory where it can't be touched the game would be a bit too easy and raids would suck. 240,000 oil atomic upgrades would just be a matter of hanging in low medals and grinding diamonds. Yeah, it would take forever but you'd be racking up oil while you're grinding shipments too. From my experiece people don't really bother with your oil until you get around 80,000 or so. That's also likely why we can't buy larger 4 diamond shipments with
atomic refineries.

​​Theoretically this applies to gold and food too, but good luck getting all those other trade goods.
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