Would I be welcome?


Approved user
May 29, 2020
I am SA, but with very little war experience, like 6 to 8 wars. Joined my first and only alliance about 5 months ago. Are there any alliances that would want someone like me that would need to attack down a few slots until I gain more experience?

That doesn’t seem to be possible in my current alliance as I am rated #1, so I get assigned the top hardest bases. Needless to say that’s not going well as I’m dead before I have time to do anything. Not what I consider a good way to learn or gain experience.

So are there any options out there? I’m actually considering dumping this game entirely


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
Join us at Galaxyquest if you want to. Unless you are mega sized SA you should rank 3 or 4 in our alliance. Our top 2 take 1-4 so typically your assignment would be in the 6-9 range.

"By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Sons Of Warvan , you shall be avenged!"


Approved user
May 29, 2020
Thanks for your response. I went SA during the last rush, but I guess I’m mega as my level is 278 (I started only upgrading troops I use in CW, upgraded everything prior to that so I suppose that explains 278 haha)

I did a search for your alliance and it looks like I would be slotted #1. Did I see that correctly?


Approved user
Jan 2, 2017

I have traveled to many alliances and made many friends. There are several well organized alliances that will coordinate war attacks based on your abilities/skills thus take the pressure off. Here are some alliances that I enjoyed visiting and will revisit:
Aragon Archers
Ctrl Alt Elite
Ctrl Alt F8tal this is a sister alliance to Ctrl Alt Elite
Residual Force
Winter's Coming

Best of luck.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
You might be 2 in my alliance. You are 3 levels higher than me, but I have 86% of all Uni research done and it kicks me up a few notches. Only ones not finished are Wu, Catherine, Suleiman, and Ride. Everything else is finished.

Even if you are 1, I will probably still take on 1&2. I have since I was lvl 190 global age.

Baggers and Dan are both near maxed CW age. We will both be Space age in 2 months or less. You would be able to take softer opponents. Try us if you like. If you don’t like us, no hard feelings.

I maxed everything in AA almost (not farms or caravans), even most of my Uni. I will likely be Digital Age in under a year.

A nice perk, we are almost done with lvl 10 alliance building speed ups! Soon 5 hrs per day taken off an upgrade!
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