6.2 Vault Changes


New member
Jun 4, 2017

The Vault is under new management!

Beginning in 6.2, please find the following updates to the Vault:
  1. Beginning at level 3, you can now store a base value of 2,400 Oil in your Vault.
  2. The Library tech Savings (Chaper 3) now grants a bonus 6,000 Oil Capacity. This is added at the end, after any other bonuses.
  3. The Library tech Savings (Chaper 5) now grants an additional bonus of 2,000 Oil Capacity. This is added at the end, after any other bonuses.
  4. In the University, Emperor Moctezuma's Vault Capacity skill has been increased to provide +7% bonus to your base Vault capacity for each step. With a maximum number of 10 steps, you can now increase your Vault base deposit amount by up to 70%.
How does that all work?

With a level 3 Vault, Savings (chapter 3) and 5 steps of Emperor Moctezuma's skill researched, we can expect the following Vault Oil storage:

2,400 (base Oil storage) + 35% bonus (5 steps of Moctezuma's skill bonus) = 3,240 Oil (base + University)
We can then add in the Library bonus of +6,000 (Savings, Chapter 3) = 9,240 Oil (Grand Total!)
After 24 hours, the 5% interest
(from Savings, Chapter 1) is still added on top of the total deposited!

*Please keep in mind that Vault levels 1 & 2 do not have base Oil storage. University research for Vault Capacity will not affect Oil deposits until you reach Vault level 3, and unlock the 2,400 base storage. Oil deposits to the Vault through Library research is counted as a flat bonus to the total Oil capacity.*
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Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
This change penalizes everyone who has not upgraded their vault to 3, as our new vault capacity has dropped from 12000 to 8000 until we spend 4 workers for 6 days to upgrade it.

It also costs us 4200 oil - as the new capacity will not be there for at least a week when it is level 3. Any plans for a refund, to everyone who had a full oil level 1 vault? Plus for the worker time to get the vault upgraded to get back what we had before the upgrade?

A 2 day upgrade is 444 crowns, and a 4 day is 732. We can ignore the food cost. So by my calculations, I should be getting 1176 crowns to make me whole and get back to where I was before this mandatory patch removed my oil storage capacity.
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Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
Yemen, I think you may be getting worked up too quickly. If im interpreting it correctly they are reducing by 1 level the point at which the vault can store oil (used to be 4 now its lvl 3). So if you already had the capacity to store you wont be affected. For this reason if you were at level 4 and had all buffs in place (all moctezuma and library vault buffs)you would get

2400*1.7+6000+2000 = 12080 total capacity.

This is why people on other posts are seeing that mysterious extra 80 oil capacity.


Approved user
Feb 8, 2018
The moctezuma bonus used to be 10 levels at 5% increase to the total capacity. Now it is 10 levels at 7% increase only to this new base oil capacity of 2400. the library increases the amount a fixed 6000 and 2000 oil. They tweaked the math to make the max total oil capacity near what it was before 12080 instead of 12000.


Approved user
Jul 25, 2015
It penalizes the people who had lvl 2 vaults and used to be able to store 12,000 oil. Even when it's upgraded we will store less? Also we lost 4200 oil due to this. Yes 4200 oil isn't a lot but Oil is a big enough pain to gather without you guys making it harder.


Approved user
Oct 17, 2016
The vault storage capacity for oil needs to be doubled. 24K is a reasonable amount that should be able to stored safely less than 10% of your total storage at CWA. I do like you can store oil earlier it sounds like but the total amount needs to be increased. And yes it seems now I can hold 12080 instead of just 12000.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2016
It would have been ideal to give advance notice before making such a change.
On my second base, I kept my vault at level 1, but, completed the Savings chapters at the library, and had completed the Moctezuma researches too.
I had 12,000 oil stored in the vault prior to the 6.2 release, but, now, my vault only has 8,400 oil in it.

I wouldn't have a problem with such a change had we been informed beforehand, so that some of us who were in this situation could have planned and upgraded our vault prior to the 6.2 release.

It's not the end of the world, but, these are bad experiences which could have been totally avoided.

smh :(


Approved user
Jan 25, 2016
I feel you. I'm in the same boat as you on my second base, where I had my vault at level 1, but had 12,000 oil stored prior to the 6.2 release.
Some form of compensation would definitely help people like us.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
It would have been ideal to give advance notice before making such a change.
On my second base, I kept my vault at level 1, but, completed the Savings chapters at the library, and had completed the Moctezuma researches too.
I had 12,000 oil stored in the vault prior to the 6.2 release, but, now, my vault only has 8,400 oil in it.

I wouldn't have a problem with such a change had we been informed beforehand, so that some of us who were in this situation could have planned and upgraded our vault prior to the 6.2 release.

It's not the end of the world, but, these are bad experiences which could have been totally avoided.

smh :(
Agree, it would be nice to get info like this BEFORE they're introduced.
Yet again nexon shows exactly what they think of us, their bread and butter. Things like this, the TC radius, adding sh!t like extra forests we didn't ask for, makes it hard for me to defend them. Not that they'd care either way.
Why are they so begrudging? What was the harm in us having 12000 capacity in a level 1 vault?
Nexon, you don't have to be jerks at every opportunity, once in a while will do!
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Approved user
Apr 16, 2017
my vault capacity has been diminished ! in before i could save 900k gold/food , but now its 880k! as it shows mine is lvl 3 !

its an unfair change like other changes !

like always an event released exactly right after an unfair change & huge bug occurred in order to forget them, but we don't !
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Peaced Off

Approved user
Feb 24, 2018
This is complete BS. I can now store 4K less oil than I could before you introduced a permanent bug in the update. What a crock!! This game is going to the dogs.


Approved user
Jan 29, 2018
I didn't even know you could have store oil before without the library research :) at least there is a reason to upgrade vault now


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
There was previously no minimum level for storing oil. You could upgrade the vault itself as much as you wanted, and none of those upgrades allowed oil storage.

Oil storage capacity was granted only by doing the library research for savings, up to 8000 oil. Then Moctezuma 50% boost was to that 8000, for a max of 12000.

Now, there is an amount provided by the vault upgrade to level 3, and the moctezuma research applies to that, at a higher level. But for everyone at level 1 vaults, who could previously have 12000 storage, we are now down to 8000. That is library only, moctezuma boost has been taken back since it only applies to the newly applied oil boost at level 3.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
The worst part is, THEY DIDN'T KNOW. The initial response to the issue was that it was a visual bug. Only after the community verified it was a real problem by withdrawing oil and documenting before and after amounts did they go back and come up with this patch.

Then the patch came out based in incorrect assumptions as well. Assuming those with Moctezuma would have a level 3 vault. That fixed the problem for a subset of the community that matched their assumption, but as there was previously no benefit to upgrading the vault past level 1, this was wrong for a lot of people. They need to acknowledge that, and provide a fix that doesn't require us to spend more worker time and lose the oil we already had stored.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
You couldn't before. This is a new change to the level 3 vault, introduced as a patch to this problem. Also, Moctezuma still does not indicate that it requires a level 3 vault, and shows 50% not 70.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
This stupid way of addressing an issue by changing history so that it's no longer an issue has got to stop. First the TC range change, and now the vault. Nowhere in game does it say you need a level 3 vault for the university research to take effect. NOWHERE!

And yeah, I still lost 4200 oil from this change and have not been compensated, even after contacting CS!
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Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
If the developers actually cared and wanted to be fair to everyone, they should have upgraded all vaults to level 3 who had any of the Moctezuma research complete already. That way it doesn't penalize anyone. As is, I've still lost 4200 oil, without compensation, and I lost research I did already. If this was announced weeks before, I wouldn't be complaining so much, but it's obvious that like the TC bug, they just figured they would fix this bug by changing something else, instead of actually fixing it, then act like this is what they intended all along. Complete BS!

CS refusing to give me my 4200 lost oil is just pouring salt on the wound.


Approved user
Feb 25, 2018
The Vault is under new management!

How does that all work?

I tell you how it works. I have a level 2 vault, which after library & university research stored 7,200 oil (6,000 + 20% from Moctezuma)
All of a sudden it stores 6,000 only (besides I lost 1,200 oil, but that is minor problem)

Your customer service sent me a message talking about a “bug” to fix, message is below. Now you describe this as a new feature, so what’s the story? Am I going to lose the benefit of the university research I made?
Thank you.

“Game Master Duncan here of DomiNations.”
“We're sorry to hear that you had issues with the resources in your Vault. Good news is, we've recently applied a fix to address this issue. The amount of resources inside your Vault should now be corrected, and you can now withdraw it safely.”

And even after this CSmessage, my vault is still at 6,000 oil.


Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
I got the same CS response. Nothing was 'fixed', they just changed the rules to say it's working as expected now. I still lost 4200 oil due to this 'fix', and got no compensation.