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  1. E

    Crashing After 2.5 Update Android

    Ok its happened quite often now. The game used to be quite stable, now whenever I get a email or application notification dominations has a very high chance to crash sometimes it causes a error saying dominations has stopped working but I also get freezing and complete crashes without error...
  2. E

    Lost Connection While In Own City

    I've recently experienced a few loss of connections while in my own city which has caused me to lose my whole army. Now I understand why your army is lost when attacking and lose connection. But why do yiu lose your army when in your own city. Anyone else have the same issue. Endril
  3. E

    Missing House Industrial Age

    I upgraded to the industrial age today, before I did so I saw that one of the buildings to become unlocked was an extra house. However after upgrading I was unable to build it. I have the starter pack, is this an incompatibility issue with the starter pack stopping me from getting an extra...
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    New Bugs

    Ive noticed the following bugs. 1. When attacking can only gain the quick victory star by destroying the town center. 50% doesnt activate it. 2. The supply carts occasionally just sit still and do nothing. 3. Attacked a base without a forbidden city destroyed the town center and still didn't get...
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    Leather and Fur Imbalance

    Ive noticed that almost everytime I have more Leather than furs. This is true if having 2 or 6 workers. The balance between spawning rates and probability for harvesting needs to be addressed. Please other players also state their observations. Thanks all
  6. E

    AI and Clipping through walls

    Hi I have to say that overall the AI is slightly better as the troops do now tend to focus on the same part of the wall rather than spread attacks. However I have seen that when using rally the troops can take the worst possible route. Also something should be done about the supply carts...
  7. E

    Armoury & Library Imbalance

    May I suggest that their be a technology to unlock researching 2 different upgrades in the Armoury at once, or to release a different building in which a portion of the upgrades can be moved too. However I feel the second option doesnt feel as elegant. I as a player have already finished all...
  8. E

    Victorious Recruiting Now Looking For New Regular Players (No Medal Requirement)

    Hi All, We are now opening our alliance to all regular players. We only require that you play regularly and are respectful and helpful to other members of the alliance. We will help you grow and learn together apply now. No medal requirement. Endril