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  1. yoseque

    Unlimited Tupelovs

    Eisenhower too, but you need to contribute a video of making the tupolev bug or the code where that bug appears.
  2. yoseque

    BHG, are you kidding me with your random NTGs?

    Is true, bad idea with this change of NTGs
  3. yoseque

    Discount of Estate Paid

    In the last mont, I buy the Estate in discount, I started to check the inventory, and among the buildings I found another estate, is it normal to have two? I put proof of the video.
  4. yoseque

    Parliament Constribution

    Every day only show 10 player who contributed in the law, but other player do not contribute and request for helping to fast upgrade a tower. We need a control about contribution of all player if there does contributed or not and if can to request.
  5. yoseque

    Game crashing V9.0

    I’m on IOS, the iPad and iPhone is crashing when open in the latest update, no error issue with Wifi, storage, software update or any other, this problem presents with the v9.0. I delete and reinstall the game, and when charging my data from GameCenter is crashing instantly, costumer service...
  6. yoseque

    Alliance cheater

    Some building is hidden.
  7. yoseque

    Cheater NEVER banned

    You are welcome! ;)
  8. yoseque

    Cheater NEVER banned

    Reporting this cheater since 1 year ago... ... AND NEVER BANNED... Why?, what is the reason why this cheater was never banned? I started reporting when the cheater was in the Cold War, and now it will get to arrive in the digital era using the hack. Very very bad and sad...
  9. yoseque

    Botón de reinicio de partida

    No existe nada así, no creo que Nexon vaya a implementar algo así, lo único que se puede hacer es crear una nueva cuenta.
  10. yoseque

    A Report Button

    It is easier and faster to add a report button for that player that uses the cheater and not from Customer Service. Examples of Report Button:
  11. yoseque

    Space Age Launches March 19th!!! + Preview Video

    Dude, where is the Space Age wallpaper??
  12. yoseque

    Victory Chest available in 3 days and 11 hours... after the update

    Put a link in imgur, or other server image and post in your comment, don’t upload here.
  13. yoseque

    6.7 Game Crash on iOS after update

    Hay una forma de jugarlo, pero tendrás que dejar su iphone o ipad en inglés, si lo vuelves a pasar en español se pierde y tienes que volver a hacer el proceso.
  14. yoseque

    6.7 Game Crash on iOS after update

    6.7 Update: IOS crashed In my iphone and ipad the game crashed, other players that using IOS report the same problem.
  15. yoseque

    What happen in war!!??

    One of my partner made the attacks where he managed to get 2 stars in attack but in "battles" my partner has 0 stars, I want them to correct this error because I imagine that this is how they lose wars.
  16. yoseque

    Cheater in World War.

    I found a suspicious cheater in world war from "FRANCE EN FORCE Alliance" witch this player: "thjgcb".
  17. yoseque

    Only notification not get.

    In my iphone the notifications is activated, I get all the notifiactions, the only one I not get is when they attacked me. I have this problem since 5 previous updates.
  18. yoseque

    Horror aviones BRUJAS.

    En la nueva actualización ya arreglaron el problema, ya puedes estar tranquilo.
  19. yoseque

    Troops Editor

    Hi Nexon and BHG. I show to you a idea about the troops, all player have diferent troops as strategy, the problem is making new troops in each barracks, and after change again back the troop or making a new troops. Using the same idea as Layout Editor, for Town, but for troops in barracks. I...
  20. yoseque

    A cheater seller.

    Is because you need add details or info about the cheater or hack, (name player, alliance, or any reason if you a believe a is cheater)