A game should be fun!


Approved user
Jul 30, 2019
First and foremost, a game should be fun!
there a things about this game that everybody hates! They should be eliminated or adjusted so they are fun.

1. cheaters are not fun, we applaud bhg for finally taking action on this... keep going, more needs to be done.
2. porcelain.... I spent 1 hour trying to find Koreans last night when it should of been 10 minutes or less... everybody complains about this, but support won’t even acknowledge it’s an issue.... create a bunch of Korean accounts and add them to the game pls.
3. national trade goods are too hard to get as it is, increasing the amount rewarded would be nice to see
4. hunting animals after industrial age is just logically stupid... how about a ranch building or synthetic factory... having to sit there and hunt animals for the 15 minute duration of the animal blessing is just not fun.
5. ability to select the age and nation of type of multiple player search you want would help speed things along... the biggest reason why ppl stop playing this game is the amount time it takes
6. most alliance have very active players, and not so active... so we need more fun stuff to do... how about a second simultaneous war! That would be great.
7. better chat, most alliance use lineapp or discord, it would be nice to create private chat rooms within the game
8. fix bad bugs asap! There are some terrible bugs that just linger for many months. Or even over a year! That shouldn’t happen. Let me give you an example... if you use betrayal on a heavy tank, and you have Machine gun spawns on death researched, when that ht dies in battle, other ht’s in the area will freeze up until you kill the spawned mg’s .... that has cost me some battles and definitely affects the amount of time it takes to kill a base, very important in wars. Fix the iOS screenshots sent to support... nobody wants to log off the game and use your Web form... Besides it just hangs if I try to upload too many pictures.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
All legitimate requests...but the game editor refuses to take these into account..


Approved user
Oct 27, 2019
If you stay in a Global Age, like I do, you won’t have a problem with national trade goods.

Have fun. Refuse to play the developer’s game. Play your game. Stay in Global


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Yes..raiding in atomic is much more difficult than in global. No big oil loot bonus. Tough bases. But at 500-600 medals, you can find your stuff


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
fufu must know that global is widely considered one of the worst ages to park in, hes most likey just trolling this forum


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I think fufu has mentioned elsewhere that they age up only after maxing everything. If so then rather than trolling, they may be promoting global because there’s a ton of new University that opens up at global that would keep you there for quite awhile.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
in global you have the same issues to collect your NTG as long you haven’t maxed nearly everything. Your offense will struggle with five stars on atomic bases, attracting silo needs generals above level 30 or mercenaries. Na Fufus is Talking, but not show any evidence.