A variety of suggestions from our alliance (Angels N Vamps) discord suggestion box


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
1 - troop requests. You select which troop and how many you want. When it's posted, donators can only give what you selected. Optional would be to select age requirements.

2 - can queue up your alliance gate space of troops for donations. They don't get used in battle.

3 - naval campaign (& sharks with fricken lasers)

4 - Would love to have a training cue so your troops can start training while you’re raiding. Eg: have 3 howies prebuilt that welcome you home as your troop loss allows room for them saving 15 mins!

5 - Prestige system for leaderboards

6 - 10 star system vs existing 5 star system
Like bronze could be the basics
-all food taken
-all gold taken
-all oil taken
Silver could be the technical stuff
-Destroyed TC
-Destroyed all Wonders
-Destroyed all defense
Gold could be the “extra” stuff
-Quick Victory
-Base defeated within half of timer (2min?)
-Lost less than half of your troops
Red star
-All other stars + base took down in X amount of time

7 - in game chat. Allow pinning of important notices by leaders and have a separate chat box for friendly challenges as they bog down the chat

8 - base challenges kept separate from chat. Maybe make a tab button a little bit below the one that pulls out the chat.

9 - allow leaders to edit the “suggested” base in war time to be the players assigned war base!
So in the war map there is a red target around an enemy that says “recommended target” we should be able to change whatever base that is to what the leaders want that player to attack. So the base your supposed to hit, according to your clan, has a big red target around it! Limits the confusion of attack assignments
And would make it in-game!

10 - Inter alliance world wars
No gp or anything but perhaps it is for training, or perhaps it is just for fun or something


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
Trust me, I've seen it with my own 2 eyes, Sharks with laser beams are a good thing, keeps an alliance on its toes, you never know what to expect from those freaking sharks with laser beams....


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Looks like a good breadth of ideas! Passing this on to the development team!


Approved user
Nov 10, 2017
Point #4 especially sensible& should have been implemented long ago.

Point #3 I just have to agree wholeheartedly.