Add player base lvl/age in their donation requests and friendly battle challenges.


Approved user
Apr 20, 2016
It would help out when considering what to donate to people. For example: as a lower age player, it would be useful to know if the person asking for donations is a high lvl age, as they would probably want stronger troops instead. And as a higher age player, it would be useful to know if the person asking for donations is a low age player (as they would probably have better use for a tank than a howitzer their troops can barely even defend).

This would also be useful for friendly challenges, where knowing ahead that the person posing the challenge is a low level player means that they can try out sillier army compositions for fun.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
all unnecessary. first there is the request note you enter telling others what you need. second 2 different alliance perks, industrial age and global promotion. third if one and two doesnt apply to your alluance find a different one