All for One and One for All


Approved user
Jun 16, 2015
How does everyone feel about there being (at max) 3 air defenses that go for one zeppelin or (at max) three biplanes? At this point in the game, a Enlightenment Age tower is capable of destroying a zeppelin if ignored, a fort is death, and air defense are the great terminator.

I think it's a popular belief that air units are very powerful, but there seems to be so many things (some even illogical) that can take them out in a heartbeat.

For those of you who take on three air defense bases, what has your experience been? It seems easier for fantasy games to impliment anti air early on in the game, and it makes it much harder to balance a game mimicking reality. But to the musketeer who shoot down my blimp. Kudos... kudos...

Which brings me to my next point. To those of you with all the IA buildings. Do you feel we have enough walls to accommodate a reasonable number of defenses and resource buildings? Our buildings are very large compared wjfh other games like this and I always felt that they were a little unreasonable with the wall count.

Share your thoughts!

Stay dominating!


Approved user
May 19, 2015
I think air defense (in general) is balanced, nerfing that would result a monstrous buff for air attack. We don't need that, it's fair as it is.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Air seems OK at the moment - it's early days so lets see how it pans out before the nerf-hammer strikes somewhere unwanted.

As for walls, just about right - you can have one big box at IA to hold everything or double/triple wall the vitals. A few less walls would make it more interesting.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Walls are fine, as Eddie said - it forces you to think about your design and decide which buildings are worth protecting - according to your long term strategy or particular playing style.

Also, I'm hoping air units play a bigger role in the Global Age (maybe more unit spaces?) so the current air defenses will be less OP/more balanced - hopefully.
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Approved user
Sep 11, 2015
I think air units are very strong. If a base is not layout well a zeppelin accompanied by a biplane can take out more than half of all defenses. I sometimes send my troops back to the farthest point just to let the air units take out a base alone saving my troops. Of course, if air defenses and towers are well-placed it is a different story. Then I usually skip the base.