Alliance 2.0


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015

considering that the game is mostly about World Wars it would be great to have an update of the alliance gate. I've recently changed alliance and I has been hard to find a new one due to the high number of them. The reason why I left is because my old alliance was loosing members without having new players.

So my proposal is to have a list of alliance that are looking for players or in other words the chance for the alliance to post some player requests or invite a player from another alliance. The point is that in my opinion the best part of the game (WW and alliances) can be improved with some new features. Any other idea is welcome


Approved user
May 17, 2018
and I will add to this some ideas:
alliance buildings like common marketplace, trade goods etc
alliance wonder
alliance decorative buildings earned through more perks or milestones (i.e. 20 wins in WW)
chat with the enemy during WW
separate chat for friendlies

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
Especially the invite feature would be very interesting. You find a worthy player who somehow managed to manipulate your tough defenses and dominate your base, why not having the option to invite them? You search for attacking in multi-player and find a very interesting base, I'd like to have the option of inviting such players to my alliance


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
Saruman the White exactly, that is the "active" option, but it could be even passive. Something like the manifesto "We want you", there could be a room in which the alliance can post its "recruiting message" and if you are looking for an alliance you can just scroll the alliance requests. I had to leave my old alliance because all the veterans were leaving, but having such a feature I would have had the chance to make the alliance raise again.

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
I would like to have a big breakdown on alliances. Every alliance with members who are offline since 360 days should be erased.

If all members are at least offline for 360 days should be without an alliance afterwards. That could make it easier for others to find an active one. No further need to scroll down this huge list....


Approved user
Aug 9, 2016
@albynos.....We never have any problem getting new players to join....Kick a few lower the medals and you will get new recruits all the time..The problem is finding good players....All the big fish have a home..It’s the little fish looking for a home...Often we get high level players which are useless in WW which are just as bad as the little fish..
The recommended updates from the game mostly economic ones creates high player level bases with very weak offence..Most players don’t understand what makes a strong offensive base..and what it takes to be a good WW ally...


Approved user
Jul 30, 2015
I agree Lordwinman Dominations is all about attacking. Sometimes people just took the wrong way as you said developing eco buildings to get resources, but MM battles are the real spot to get res, not farming. So it is enough to ask them to upgrade some armies and it is done.
We are struggling to have 20 ww active players but we don't have enough so we just do 10 vs 10 wars.