Balance changes needed


Approved user
Apr 23, 2015
Great game. Way better than CoC in my opinion. But some balance changes are needed I think. First of all, defences have no range. Towers and balista towers can barely reach over the walls. Maybe defence gets better at higher ages, but so far, i notice that it's way too easy to win attacks. Second, cavalry is supposed to counter archers, but they dont. They just die before reaching the group of archers. Maybe they need some special bonus vs archers, or maybe the stables need to spawn more horses at a time. I dont know, but players who just mass archers seem to do too well when they shouldnt be. Massing archers feels more like an exploit than a strategy right now. Lastly, there is absolutely no reason to try to raise your medal count. Maybe if the shipment bonus was per battle rather than per day. But right now the bonus is so low it's insulting. There needs to be a way better inscentive to fight for medals.


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
I was just going to post something like this. I've been playing for a few weeks now and feel like I have a good grasp of what works and what doesn't.

Critically, it is nearly impossible to stop a good attack. I'm in the classical age (British) and I'm successful in about 90% of my attacks ( meaning full destruction and minimal casualties). Similarly, despite being fully upgraded with level 5 walls and towers I cannot stop most attacks from other classical raiders and none from Medievals. Even with boosts from the temple I fall to massed infantry (Bushi!) or cavalry/archer mixes. Even massed archers work. I'm not protecting my town centre, just my resources.


1) Balista (and possibly tower) range needs to be wider, or a boost needs to be available that increases that range
2) Archers do too much damage to towers, walls and siege equipment and are too hardy
3) Cavalry spawns are useless
4) Tactics are nearly useless, I can win without them.
5) I can beat just about any classical defence with the same setup of Cavalry, Archers and Phalanx
6) Medals mean nothing
7) Knowing I can't stop attacks makes me play less, because I will lose more to raids than I can gain by raiding unless I have hours to block off.
8) The Japanese are overpowered. I can accept the defensive bonus, but those Bushi are ridiculous.
9) I'm seeing an increasing number of cheaters. For example, a classical base with three catapults - three!
10) Defenders aren't given enough walls (even with library help) to try defensive ideas out
11) The shipment bonus of resources should allow me to select the resource I want. Otherwise there's no reason to select it.

This is a great game with more potential than CoC, but there are still balance issues.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
The 3rd catapult can be obtained from researching chapter 3 of Machinery in the Library.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2015
I hope for more balance improvements in trade goods. The option to sell cider for gold, or metal for food, seems absurd to me since the trade goods are far harder to acquire. And why can't I sell fur or since the balance update of April 10, it has seemed harder to get leather ... The animals with leather seem few re, and the deer have a low drop rate, and you have to have lots of people free to hunt a boar. Blessings want to use up leather disproportionately more. Metal also seems disproportionately hard to get, compared with the uses for it. I can't spend my diamonds for want of all that leather and metal they need with them , in blessings and mercenaries. And the option to buy random trade goods with crowns is unappealing a, given the very limited storage space for trade goods. What if my crowns bought me a load of fur, something usually maxed out? Maybe this all evens out with library research, but ... I doubt it. That gathering blessing would be nice if the wild animals didn't dry up ... Looks like it will take 2 blessings to actually enhance hunting, but will the benefits outweigh the costs? will w be paying leather and metal to get ... Yet another boatload of fur? I hope balance continues getting tweaked.


Approved user
Apr 18, 2015
That's the second catapult (in Classical). This one had three, and what looked like too many buildings as well.


Approved user
Apr 20, 2015
ages also sometimes display incorrectly in some screens... I was recently attacked and replayed the attack... The replay showed my age as the previous one (even though I upgraded days before the attack).