balancing events correctly


Approved user
Jul 24, 2017
Events get more demanding the higher age the player is in.

For example if the event is about killing a certain amount of defenders a higher level player has to kill alot mre to get the goal.
This makes totally sense due to the fact, that an atomic player regularly gets more units killed by crushing a single atomic base compared to an iron age player who is hitting an iron age base.

But... the last event e.g. was about earning stars.
There is no advantage in earnig stars for higher level players compared to lower levels.
Therefore, increasing the needed stars for the higher ages is not rational at all.

Please adjust the target numbers to make achieving event goals somehow equaly hard for all players.
An atiomic or cold war player cannot just afford to spend 10 times the time playing to achieve the goal so regularly these imbalanced events are skipped.
All players should have fun and the goals should somehow be demanding, ... but achieveable! (Google: SMART goals)


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
I’m global and had the event completed with in a few hours play time. Events like this can be really easy if you just drop your medals low and work your way up. Lower medals = easier opponents = minimal troop loss = more attacks in less time

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Grrr.. I could only reach 3rd stage last event 😑.
But that was because I was playing on 4 accounts 😅
Pretty fair I guess, the higher the levels, the harder you should try.