Being attack multiple times in a row

Ronald van Antwerpen

Approved user
Mar 25, 2015
Hey Guys,

I was wondering if you have encountered the same bug. So, I've been attacked a great number of times after each other. Now this might not seem weird, but according to the timing of the defense logs, this happened WHILE I was online. The other thing that shouldn't be happening, I actually get defeated in a number of those attacks, but it doesn't give me a peace treaty so the attacks keep on coming. This very annoying bug has cost me tons of resources and is greatly frustrating me in resource hunt (hit me back several days).

Here are some screenshots so you guys can see what I mean:

2 days ago:












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Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Wvolf do you even play this game? No you cannot be attacked while you are online. That is how all the cheats at the top of the leader board get away without being attacked and just hoard loot. How come you don't even know the basic game mechanics?


Greetings, all! There seems to be some confusion and and miscommunication surrounding when a player does or doesn't get attacked, so I'd like to take the opportunity to sort out some of this dust.

On the topic of Peace Treaties, Wvulf was trying to explain that this feature provides protection from enemy attack for its specific time duration, regardless of whether you are or aren't online and actively playing the game.

Now, on the topic of being online and not getting attacked, the game team has confirmed that by design, a player that is online and actively playing the game should not encounter enemy attacks. However, if you do experience otherwise, we'd highly encourage you to contact us so that we may investigate further. Here are the best ways to reach out:

1. Submit a Customer Support ticket HERE -- include your Player ID, screenshots, time/date of occurrence, and anything else that might be pertinent
2. PM Wvulf or myself with the following info: your Player ID, screenshots, time/date of occurrence, and anything else that might be pertinent

Thanks for your continued support and efforts to help us improve the game!

Ronald van Antwerpen

Approved user
Mar 25, 2015
Have you guys, the community managers, actually read my post? I've done exactly what you said, Aulia, and yet I get some vague explanations which are completely beside the point. You guys should really take some lessons in actually answering the questions asked or situations given, instead of rambling on about things that are not relevant.

Let me address the facts.

Point one, I get attacked a lot of times in a short period of time. Some of these attacks defeat me, which should result in me getting a peace treaty. This does not happen so let's call this bug one.

Point two, I get attacked while being online. Wvolf said that this is part of the game, Aulia says this is not part of the game. Which one is it? If Wvolf is right, then this is a serious flaw in the game which should be addressed immediately. If Aulia is right, then this is bug two, probably related to bug one.

I've now clearly stated the facts so let's try to work with these and not come up with some general explanation or vague descriptions.

Thank you.


Approved user
Apr 5, 2015
Started playin 2 days ago, and same thing happened to me just now while I was online. The first attack happened while I was attacking someone else. Then I rebuild my small army (just made it to Iron Age this morning), and during the next 15 minutes I was smashed an additional 3 times. Total loss of 44 medals and no peace treaty awarded. Can't take revenge cause it says that the player who just attacked me is online.

I'm sure that's not how it is intended to work.


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Welcome to dominations Ronald. This is the treatment we have been getting from the start. It takes ages for them to address major game breaking bugs and they let cheats do whatever they want with no repercussions whatsoever. All the while their responses are ambiguous, unhelpful and missing the point. Sigh. Pity this is such an awesome game....


Approved user
Apr 4, 2015
Oh my god. I been attacked multiple times again while I am online. I am losing resources non stop. How on earth am I suppose to play. Because they keep destroying everything and worse I don't even get a peace treaty. I been attack multiple times in the past hour I was online.


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Hayden Noel

Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Attacked while online bug

Am absolutely disgusted in the so called support from this mob they go ahead and do a world wide launch knowing that domi nations is riddled with bugs first it wouldn't open up on iPad with the new update so in the mean time I was playing it on iPod touch until they fix it then there is a current bug where you get attacked while being online I msged support back and forth and they couldn't care less they just say our techs are working on it so I asked if they could put a peace treaty on my account until, it's fixed but they say no and tell me to buy crowns to activate a peace treaty these wanks don't care and couldn't give a f@ck I was ranked 6th in the world and am losing up to 100 medals a day cause of their fark ups I have spent real money on this app yet they just leave you out in the cold. Dominations is and can be the most brilliant game out there but I feel as if it's in the wrong hands it needs to go to a better developer as these bugs aren't getting fixed and are just getting worse and all they care about is their money they don't care about the gamer what so ever

Hayden Noel

Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
soo true I keep getting attacked while online and the support is sooooooo bad it's like they have no idea whatsoever this mob is def number 1 for worst support team

Hayden Noel

Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
It's happening to everyone I'm currently ranked in the top 5 and I am losing 100 medals a day it's bullsh!t tried speaking with so called support and they couldn't care less best thing to do is close they game wait to get attacked then go in after and do what you want during your peace treaty this way you can only get attacked 2-3 times until these flops decide to fix this game. This game is one of the best games out there but this lot couldn't give two flying farks about the gamer the support is more useless than asking a clown for directions we can only hope that a BETTER. Developer buys them out and fixes it properly as this mob couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag that's how pathetic and useless they are


Community Member
Feb 28, 2015
Hey all - Thanks for reporting. If you feel like the game is not working properly, as per mentioned in Aulia's post, the best way to contact us for further investigation on your specific accounts is to contact Support.

1. Submit a Customer Support ticket HERE -- include your Player ID, screenshots, time/date of occurrence, and anything else that might be pertinent
2. PM Aulia or myself with the following info: your Player ID, screenshots, time/date of occurrence, and anything else that might be pertinent


Approved user
Feb 19, 2015
Watch this screenshot and the time between the attacks. Last week i got attacked while in 3 days treathy. After a ticket i didn't get a refund only a awnser that they were aware treathy doesn' t work as it sould. Today I made like 3million gold and food by raiding players with huge amounts of gold and food over and over. I dont know if it is connected with treathy but it looks like players are not getting treathy after a attack.


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Hayden Noel

Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Hey wvolf are you a goose or you just can't read ? not just myself but other have also mentioned that we have submitted tickets to the support but they are useless the same lazy half arse response is " oh sorry for screwing your game we really don't care and couldn't give a rats one of our pathetic excuse for a game tech is looking in to it when he can be bothered "

Ronald van Antwerpen

Approved user
Mar 25, 2015
Come on Wvolf, are you for real? After all the posts and tickets that have been spent on this issue, you still give a general reply like this? Is it really that hard to take a stand and say something we can actually work with??

I'm afraid that the moderators on this forum actually can't do a thing and are tied with their hands behind their back, OR, if they do actually have something to say, they are very miserable at actual service support. It's clear that an answer that actually shows that you read and understand the posts that we make on this forum would go a long way. A message that you're working on the bug and that you've seen enough evidence to actually call it a bug, which so far hasn't even been done yet (!?!), would really improve the general idea we have of the moderator group.

So far, I'm far from convinced from what I've seen here. You encourage people to post and report bugs. When we actually do that, you guys post general messages with a very arrogant undertone. You guys never really expand on an argument, you just seem to be hiding behind general and useless messages. Agreed, this is potentially a great game, but things like this tend to destroy games fast. Get your act together or expect the game to be abandoned in a short period of time.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
There is a major problem in the battle-peace mode. Overnight I got attacked 4 times in one hour, losing 23 medals. I should have got a treaty after each attack. Two of the attacks were from the same player within 8 minutes of each other. Two days ago I attacked a player six times in a row. He kept coming up on my battle mode, and each time, the players resources just increased. I scored 1.8 million in coins off that one player, who should have been given a peace treaty after each 5 star defeat.

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
I would also add, I complained to Nexon about being attacked 8 hours into a purchased 24 hour treaty. The attack happened when I was asleep and not playing the game. Here is their response..."Thanks for contacting the DomiNations Support Team, Please be advised that even if you have a peace treaty, Once you attack in campaign battle or a multiplayer battle, your peace treaty will expire." they say it's my fault for breaking my own treaty...when I'm asleep??? I think a proper announcement from Nexon should be provided to us, the paying gamers, explaining that there is a major fault with the game. During this time my advice is to not buy peace treaties and to not focus on gaining medals, the game has such serious faults that these things are meaningless at the moment.

Ronald van Antwerpen

Approved user
Mar 25, 2015
Wow, so you can actually be attaked now while being in a peace treaty. I totally agree with Aussie guy, peace treaties and medals cannot be a priority right now with this very serious bug messing everything up.

Hayden Noel

Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
Hey guys I by passed nexonm support as was sick of them with there worth less so called support and spoke with the developers last night they are much better to deal with they have my account on a peace treaty UNTILL the bug is fixed which is really generous of them and thank you very much guys. To the community managers your advice has been worthless and You have no clue your absolute idiots I also sent a copy of that idiot wolf saying that being attacked online is allowed when it's not

Ronald van Antwerpen

Approved user
Mar 25, 2015
Good idea Hayden. I've also reached out by means of an ingame ticket. So far they haven't done anything yet but the answers that they give are 100% better than the answers we get here. Although, admittedly, that is not very difficult.