Boring Prediction of Next Release


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
I think there will be attrition no matter what. It is just about whether the attrition is preventable or not.

I do think that the game has lost many players due to needless frustration with the game.

I think it is time for nexon to start consulting with players more before rolling out big changes. Obviously, they don't have to talk to all players, but just sifting through the forums here and other languages, I am sure they can find the players who were the good predictors, and had the ideas and opinions reflecting a major part of the domi community. Honestly, I don't think they even would have to pay them. I think the players would be more than happy to present an opinion/suggestion.

The problem might lie in that the devs think they know better... or just don't care, which I really hope isn't the case.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
That is a better argument, but i would counter by saying the quicker we can get new players to IA the better, and then to AA.

I dont think times are horrible at the lower ages but there are some things that could change. (i just started a 2nd account last week)

4 days to upgrade from classical to medieval really is too long. Potentially long enough that a new player to the game starts the upgrade, doesnt have anything to do and forgets to keep playing the game.

Forest clear times need to be cut by 75% still.

For higher ages, i think 12 days should be the cap for any upgrade and those should be for space age only(assuming that will be the last age). Then ALL upgrade times need to be readjusted based on Space Age.

Something like potential max time for each age:
Space Age - 12days
Cold War - 10 Days
AA - 8 Days
GA- 7 Days
IA- 6 days
EA- 5 days
GP- 3 days
Medieval - 1 day
Classical - 12 hours
Iron - 8 hours


Approved user
May 19, 2016
They are giving much more events with discounts now so it is the way of attracting ( and addicting ;) ) new players.

I don't care about new ages/generals or time/resource reductions since it's all the same :(

After 2 years of same game play I'd like to see something different ;)


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Agree, and 2 or 3 oil based events in a row is ridiculous! You can never raid enough for all the upgrades you need.
Oh well, something is better than nothing I think.