Bug Relating to showing the right type of unit !


Approved user
Jan 1, 2015
1st One : I mentioned this before but without any SS , okay so it seems that cus i have an unique (Warrior Type) soldier the game mistakenly think that all other (Warrior Type) units are all samurai's as my units ! Ok So below you see Greek attacker and Roman but look at their (Warrior Type) Unit ! :/
Bug.jpg Bug-.jpg

2nd One : Okay so i tried to try somthing else so i asked my allies to send me Hoplite ( Their warrior Units ) and i went to check in my TC to see how it goes here what happens !
Bug 2.jpg Bug 2-.jpg

So One more thing i can add in is that when u click on an building that is for example higher than lvl 1 ! it will always show the lvl 1 building image in its info ! As you can see in the third Photo >> TC At Classical Age still looks like the stone Age !
I hope i didnt waste my time And see atleast one improvment ! Cheers!


  • Bug 2-.jpg
    Bug 2-.jpg
    101.3 KB · Views: 77


Hey, ShadyLion -- thanks so much for explaining both of these issues and providing screens! I'll forward this information to the game team for further investigating. If I receive updates, I'll post them here -- they may already be in the works for the next update.