Campaign to increase war loot...significantly


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I agree that something needs to be done about war loot. I would take a slightly different route though. I think the regular loot from attacking a war base should be in line with what you might find for a base of its age in multiplayer. For example, a good atomic base in multiplayer usually yields about 500k gold and food, and 4k oil. If I earned that for clearing an atomic war base, and then got war loot on top, I would be satisfied.

If the war loot was increased as well, I would be more than satisfied :D.
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Approved user
May 12, 2017
I agree that something needs to be done about war loot. I would take a slightly different route though. I think the regular loot from attacking a war base should be in line with what you might find for a base of its age in multiplayer. For example, a good atomic base in multiplayer usually yields about 500k oil and food, and 4k oil. If I earned that for clearing an atomic war base, and then got war loot on top, I would be satisfied.

If the war loot was increased as well, I would be more than satisfied :D.

I want to hit those 500k oil bases you talk of :p

But joking aside, i agree with your statement. The base loot should be like MP, plus we should get decent war loot on top of it.

I dont understand why loot is so low. Its not a way to farm loots, as you can get 2 attacks every 2 days. Everyone knows real loot comes from raiding,