• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Overflowing resources


New member
Jan 15, 2025
For higher age players the overflowing resources is a big problem.
upgrades are ver slow taking 2-3 weeks and in that duration the accumulated resources overflow.
the upgrades should require more resources else there is no way to utilise the overflow of the resources specifically Oil.
i am struggling waiting for upgrades to finish so that I can use my resources and in between I often don’t attack anyone since i already have too much Gold, food and oil.
All library research are already completed leaving very little room for utilising the overflowing resources.
please increase the resource requirement for upgrades for higher levels.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Even if they did triple the cost, we would still be in the same position with overflowing rss.
You are seeing the tree and missing the forest. The "culprit" is how much easier it has become to get rss from loot nowadays.

I assure you that in the past, you could not keep your oil refinery full overnight no matter what. You woke up and had like 30-40% stolen. That wasn't fun either. Also, finally reaching 460+ level means you have little to do anyway.

Personally I dont mind being full in rss cause that allows me to upgrade generals and museum artifacts much easier and faster.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
What exactly is the problem? It doesn't hurt. It costs nothing.

If you want to spend more, buy speed ups so you can make sure you're always spending all your resources.

In my opinion, a surplus of resources cannot be balanced out with higher prices. You would have to have ongoing costs e.g. the construction sites need the same amount every day, otherwise the improvement stops. So you would have to spend several million a day, but active MP players would still have a surplus of resources, while less successful/active players would struggle to make any improvements at all.


Approved user
Jan 21, 2018
Good ideas - especially the speed ups! Using resources to buy troop tactics would be OK too.

How about a win for players and a win for BHG... Use resources to buy additional daily reward prizes/ads.

Something has to be done. The game is dying.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Well as I said on the other post.

I very seriously doubt that BHG/LTG would even consider this.

They designed player friendly resources gathering so we are not hurting for resources for our upgrades etc. Now your wanting more free stuff basically with this ask. My thoughts if they considered this idea of resources being traded let’s say for crown or speed ups, don’t you think they would make resources harder to get.

So in the end if this idea was put into effect I see it hurting free players more than removing crowns from council’s milestones. They would make resource’s extremely hard to get without spending to get them. So I say watch what you ask for. As seen recently BHG/LTG has went away Free and Free Now they learned from the mistakes of past QOL that basically was giving free ride to upper info age. My thoughts.

Added comment for possible solution:

I will add this if they do anything to allow to spend the extra resources it should be for alliance. In parliament remove the daily cap per players to contribute and remove the bonus multiplier. This would help small alliances and families of alliances. Going this route would also eliminate any abuse for multi account holder etc etc.

Long Live The Exiles A Misfits Nightmare
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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2021
The short termed solution is: release robotic age, where the new wall level at least for a while, could be upgraded for the ressources.


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
I have a slightly different perspective.

I can say that I started playing during the pandemic, even though my account was created earlier. I invested time and money in a game that challenged me and, consequently, entertained me.

Today, with practically everything maxed out, there’s nothing left for me to do except wait two days to make two attacks in world wars.

I don’t have RSS, yet my resources never run out as long as I keep my citizens organized to complete their tasks at intervals longer than a day.

Resource generation is absurd, even without a highly optimized museum or council for that purpose.

Multiplayer is monotonous. Events, regardless of their type, no longer bring any excitement because they are always the same, offering the same rewards.

Construction discounts are so frequent that they seem permanent. Upgrade times only increase, while costs decrease. This equation doesn’t make much sense.

I have an unpopular view on how things could be changed. It’s about the "scarcity" of resources.
Everything in the game has become abundant… Tokens, advisor cards (the biggest joke in the game), museum resources, war resources (I haven’t needed MP to get coalitions for almost a year), and improvement resources like gold, food, and oil.

At the very least, we could have a scarce resource, such as oil. It should be harder to obtain, and new events should be created to allow players to earn extra amounts of this scarce resource. But not the same repetitive events with easy tasks as always—rather, events that encourage greater player interaction outside of world wars.

Multiplayer should be more engaging, and the revenge system should be more interesting. Here’s an example of how it could work:

With resource scarcity, everyone would be forced to play in order to upgrade important things like university research, library research, buildings, and more.

When a player is attacked, revenge shouldn’t be limited to the attacked player alone—it should also be available to all their alliance members. That means any alliance member could attack that player, not just once, but as many times as they want, as long as the target is not under a peace treaty. If those allies choose to retaliate, it would then open revenge opportunities for all allies of the other player as well.

This would create deeper multiplayer interactions and could be used strategically. I could choose to seek revenge if I want resources from that player or if they belong to an alliance whose progress I want to slow down. This is just one example of how it could be used strategically.

In the end, scarcity makes things more valuable. The game needs to reinvent itself to remain engaging for players. Alliances should be able to interact beyond world wars.

A more dynamic, strategic, and interactive game benefits everyone.


Approved user
Dec 6, 2019
You can buy resources for crowns so why not make it happen to buy crowns for resources?

What about sending resources to other players in the alliance? Sending few players 100k oil a day will easy your rafinery definitely ;)
Same helping your allies to fortify walls by sending 5M food daily... They will love you!

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Multiplayer is monotonous. Events, regardless of their type, no longer bring any excitement because they are always the same, offering the same rewards.
This my biggest gripe (other than the heli range being screwed up). It wouldn't take a genius to tweak the events to be a lot more interesting.
As for trading, you all can ask for anything but the Devs are not going to implement anything that takes away revenue.
The scarcity idea is good but instead of a resource how about some personalisation? If people have invested so much in the game perhaps they'd like some personalised skins for their troops - even if it's just nation related?
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Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
There are many ideas and possibilities for making the game more appealing. I am in no way fooled by changes like the one I suggested. I just gave my two cents while I had a few minutes to spare. Even though I still access the game every day, I already consider it a dead game. It is sad to see or believe in the end of something that I dedicated so much time to for so many years, but my time in the game is over. The attraction I had is gone. All that remains is an old habit.