Cheating Justice System


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I would like to suggest a system for accusing players of cheating and having the battles reviewed by judges. It would have a lot of the same elements as the civil justice system. There would be different processes for multi-player and war, but the basics would be the same.

After a battle, the attacked player could file a complaint of cheating against the attacker. The attacked could check how many complaints have been filed against the attacker, and how many were upheld/dismissed.

First a bot would check for obvious cheating, like too many troops deployed, or 1 soldier getting 5 stars. If the cheating is not simple enough to be dealt with by a bot, a human judge would review. Judges would be elected by the community. The attacker would have to provide a screen recording of a replay of the attack, made on the same device as the original attack. If the attacker fails to provide the recording within 2 days, he/she is automatically ruled against and sanctioned. Penalties would be rollbacks, temporary bans and fines (paid in crowns). the judge would get half the crowns and the attacked the other half. If the judge finds for the attacker, the attacked pays "costs" in crowns to the attacker, and court costs to the judge.

Until a case is resolved, neither the attacked nor the attacker can attack. In the case of a war attack, neither alliance can start a new war until the case is resolved, and if the verdict is against the attacker the whole alliance is sanctioned. In the case of multiple complaints of cheating in a single war, all cases will be dealt with by the same judge.

Judges would have access to prior cases involving the attacker. The severity of the penalties would not be decided by the judge, but by an algorithm. The judge would affect the penalty by recording the type and severity of cheating. For war, the number of cheating attacks would affect the severity of the sanctions against the alliance.

BHG would provide the infrastructure for the justice system, and could suspend it at any time if it is being abused.
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Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
This “Guilty unless you provide proof” concept is garbage. I stopped reading when you said the accused has to provide proof or they are assumed guilty. Terrible idea.

Just think, If someone accused you of something, and you failed to provide video evidence that you are innocent and they throw you in jail. Lol.

this is the second time I have seen this “must provide their own replays of they get banned”. No matter how you spin that it is garbage.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
The presumption of innocence is primary right, of course. Also the requirement to provide replays from your device is ridiculous of course. But this crazy idea appeared due to the fact that BHG carelessly introduced replays and is not going to fix them! Like, it'll do.. These thoughts arise from the BHG’s carefree.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
A lot more cheating should be detected by technical means. My proposed system would be for cases where customer service says "not enough evidence". They do not have the time to do a thorough review. Players dedicated to the punishment of cheaters would have the time.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
A recording of the replay from the attacker's device would take all bonuses into account.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Your comparison is garbage. In real life we don't have replays to record. In the game it is not a great burden to do what I asked. Annoying, yes, but relatively easy. And an in game sanction is not in any way comparable to being thrown in jail. A fairer comparison is a transit company asking to show your ticket.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Presumption of innocence is not "of course" a right. This is not a criminal system, it is more like civil law, where there is an injured party seeking reparations from another party, and the judge can award punitive damages. To make this clearer I will edit the original post to remove the term guilty.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
It 's not about terms. What you offer is not viable because of the difficulty of organizing.
Try to get some of the simplest things out of BHG... at least marking already identified fraudsters ;)


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
274 want people to voluntarily take a few minutes out of their days to record a video of their screen? Any player can accuse any other? Even disregarding the fact that salty people/trolls are going to randomly accuse others to force them to waste time recording, do you seriously think most people are going to do that? They don’t care. They just want to play the game—they don’t have time for some busybody to look at a video of their battle that they’ve already played. And you want to fine people crowns for not doing this? Sorry to say it, but this is just way too unrealistic to be feasible by any means. It’s impossible to organise and will draw the ire of many players who just can’t be bothered because some random person accused them.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Only the attacked can accuse the attacker. A complaint has to be based on a specific battle.
Do you live in the USA, the most litigious society in the world? There are a lot of nuisance law suits, but we don't scrap the whole system. And if someone does file a lot of frivolous complaints, that player can be banned from making further complaints.
I wouldn't be suggesting this if BHG had the resources to properly investigate every accusation of cheating. There are a number of players who hate cheating so much they would be willing to spend a couple of hours per day adjudicating for no reward at all, apart from the satisfaction of seeing cheaters punished.
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Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
I can’t imagine how many times I have been reported. I take bases down with ease at all levels. It helps that I am a lowly AA with 900+ Uni researches done. I can guarantee you that I will not, nor should I ever have to try to prove my innocence because some immature person reports every person that attacks him knowing that 1/2 at least would not submit the proof.

Sorry, I disagree with this suggestion and do so vocally. I think it would ruin the game more than the Museum did. Just cause you are the person out there thinking anyone that 5 stared your base is a cheater and you want to make them pay is not reason to screw this game up. Cheating is not that bad. I don’t like it, but it is not destroying you.

if they 5 Star your base with cheating. How many resources can they actually steal? In my base, I am almost always at max gold, max food, and max oil. So what if I lose 10k oil, 1M food/ 1M gold... that is 1-2 raids to recover. I play where I keep 20+ of all trade goods. And ALL of these things can be replaced without spending and $$$. I get that the cheaters are annoying. I don’t like them either, but what does glory mean in the long run for an alliance? By my understanding glory does not get you better rewards, it is not part of the matchmaking formula... it is kind of a meaningless reference. Play the game cause you like it. That is my philosophy. Do NOT make the players having fun do garbage tasks just to keep playing.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Did you miss the part about receiving crowns if a complaint against you is found to be invalid? We could make a player's stats visible, so someone you attacked could see that you have had 20 complaints against you dismissed, 0 upheld. That should discourage them from becoming the 21st.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Don't feel that you have to defend your ideas so vigorously - people are entitled to disagree with you. I think your idea has merit but I also think it's too much to ask people, let alone the devs, to implement.
This is a game after all. We're not dealing with life and death situations like a hit & run occasioning death.


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Thank you for pointing out that I came across as defensive. That was not my intent. Each reply was intended to clarify my idea. I should have thanked each person who took the trouble to comment; they helped me refine my proposal, eliminating any confusing and inaccurate language.