Cold War Age battles against Global Age


New member
Feb 3, 2019
I quite regularly get smashed by Cold War Age players while I'm at Global Age - most result in unsurprisingly a 5star victory. I assume this is a bug as usually you only get matched with players either side of your current ages.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
yeah...but I still get beaten up by the big boys,..NOT FAIR (I is unfair). CWA can take me down, but this is not valid the other way around :mad:


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
For me as a CWA, if you have white walls and good defences normally I'd skip those bases. Now if you have a rushed base and a solid amount of oil I might just hit you, but overall I try not to attack Global bases strictly because of Oil Bonus.

Epic Ninja

Approved user
Jun 17, 2018
As a CWA player, I generally don't raid GA bases either unless I'm looking to collect national trade goods for coalitions. The vast majority of the bases I raid are AA. Like Lord Stark said, the oil bonus plays a factor in ignoring GA bases. Even when I do raid GA bases, I don't really feel bad about it. Some people advance way too quickly.

Saruman the White

Approved user
Nov 27, 2017
When I attack I value XP level and defenses level, not Age. I prefer to attack a 180 AA with Industrial Age defenses, than a 200 GA with a maxed defense system. But I won't skip GA out of mercy as other CWA showed no mercy to me when I was GA. On the other hand, a successful attack over a AA would offer me much more than a GA. It all depends on what I'm seeking at, resources, NTG, medals etc.


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
Noone should hold back when it comes to attacking, sometimes I'll attack an active base for no other reason than because it looks like they rushed too quickly. Getting walked on is a rite of passage when progressing to a new age. If you are global and your base is still enlightenment than to me, that shows you didnt get beat up on enough earlier on.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
when the space age comes, maybe it will be reset so cwa can only attack atomic to space age. but space agers will be able to attack atomics and then it will be the atomics complaining then :D


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
Normally I will pass unless I need ntg or an easy 5 stars to get to the victory chest. It has never changed in that when you move to the next age you open yourself up to being attacked. For people that rush just to get to next age of course it hurts more because the defenses are far behind but it’s a part of the game. And it’s not always a surprise because plenty of cwa players stink attack wise. Maxing walls and defenses just means no revenge attack but it doesn’t make them good attackers. Try To make your base as confusing as hell and maybe they will pass on it but if it’s just an industrial base at best with a global tag than you’re going to get smashed all the time.


Approved user
Aug 22, 2018
Mine is global, I don't even have a silo, but I don't care, smash me cause you'll probably only get very few oil.
Resources loss can be gained again in 1 raid anyway. Just let it be, you know... nature selection lol.


Approved user
Jan 27, 2019
I am a level 143 global. I never build most defense structures. The ones I did build are still classical age! My entire focus is offense.

When I went global, I built a silo which is now level 2. My barbed wire and landmines are all industrial.

I am one of those players who "rushed" their account.

I went global on the first day of the rush event (Jan 7th). In the past month, I have been attacked by CWA players exactly three times. Each time they got about 2.5K oil because I had more than 100K in my storage. CWA players can only loot 50% as much as other players when they attack global bases.

2.5K oil is nothing!

I farm resources with Heavy Tank mk3 and Fighter mk6. I almost exclusively attack rushed AA bases in the 300-1000 metal range. I get 7 to 12k oil with every raid when you include the DomiNations bonus of 6K oil. I rarely take troop losses.

I am glad I went global. It is much easier to farm oil at global than industrial.

Make the jump. You won't be sorry.

Epic Ninja

Approved user
Jun 17, 2018
Sometimes, I pass on GA and AA bases, I’m talking about sub 200 xp bases, because they have fortification and air blessings. Even weaker bases with strategically placed SAM batteries and air defense blessings can take out my super sonic fighters so I look for bases without blessings.
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