Combat Rebalance Stage Four Patch Notes


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Attack fanboys fail to appreciate the defending game meta. Back before offense became so OP, I used to enjoy hours of tweaking my base and then breaking treaty to see how the next attacker would fare. Bases would actually Defend. The trick was to find the right balance between appearance and power so that the player would bet their army and give me their medals. You say that the best layouts have already been found - it’s because defense has become stale and no one bothers to try anymore. These balance changes bring back variety and challenge. Sure some players will be unable to adapt, but it is because their imagination is limited to cookie-cutter armies and base layouts. Onward and upward.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Your fanboyism of the game is showing, you have nothing to say but more subjective opinions rather than answer the majority of my factual points.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
@Alexrey. Again, I totally agree with Cannibals. The people come to the forum seeking information or to complain.


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Same for me: before ..ha..let's do an attack on a difficult base and get some big loot.

Today : pfff..let me find an easy base with some average loot bonus as I will loose all my army anyway.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
KniferX as to answering your factual points, you have none. “Killing attack game variety” is your subjective opinion. Many are thriving in the new challenge with novel army mixes. “Completely break MP in high medals” also subjective. I have more medals than anyone (37k+ across active accounts) and I’m not broken - in fact I’m gaining medals and my coffers are all bursting with excess resources and maxed NTGs. “Complete p2winization” is based on your (and many others’) opinion that 5* is the only attack worth doing. I’m perfectly happy with whatever stars gets me what I’m after be it resources, NTGs, or war wins. Heaven forbid anyone should have to work for something!


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
I don't understand how you people fail to grasp a simple fact.
The game is about attacking, that's where the majority of the gameplay is.
The majority of players are not skilled at attacking jn this game.
Thus the majority will dislike this update.
You have to give a straw for the casual players to hold on to, they could do 5 stars or somewhere around that level with the help of troop cards while skilled players could destroy bases faster and with less troop cards. Max CWA bases were right there almost unbeatable, only if you bring full power.
Now casual players are left in the dust.

I don't even have to go into the myriad of other problems in the process of making defense overly stronger to prove you wrong. Probably all for nothing anyway, the rose tinted glasses cover all the facts.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Those are not subjective opinions you simpleton.
- try bringing anything other than a bazooka heavy composition or an HT composition and we'll see how you fare with your 'variety' in wars against equal age defense bases
- you need 5 stars for a lot of things in this game. Diamonds, NTGs, museum fragments, and the domination bonus all only work properly at 5 stars. You need those 5 stars, and defense being overpowered makes 5 stars tougher. The only way to get those NTGs for full 3 maxed coalitions within a reasonable playing time and not crowning your stuff after every attack is in low medals. I don't care about your anecdotal stories without context or detailed info.
- I just gave you an example of players with Impi being able to fight back p2w with Impi troop cards and quick attacks to win the time tie breaker. That is off the table now as only p2w will be even close to getting perfect score in reasonable matches.
Serious question, are you a troll?
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Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
im ok with the rebalance but of course the game is an attacking game. when you age up, do you upgrade your armoury first or your catapult?

and unskilled players overpowering a base? that was done with troop tactics, never your barracks or factory troops.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I’m neither troll nor simpleton. Last I checked, 3 stars nearly always gets me 3 NTGs with University perks and artis. Hit their storehouse for diamonds. I don’t know exactly how I’d fare against same level bases, because I only attack bases higher than me because I like the extra frags. Don’t need anything but barracks troops and an occasional plane, so it only costs me max 7 crowns to instantly retrain all my forces being French. I farm 100+ crowns daily from videos, so I’m good to crown 20 attacks which is plenty. Feel free to copy my strategy.


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
So you are nearly always getting NTGs on 3 stars, and you are hitting bases with defenses level higher than your offense successfully with barracks troops, and retraining all your troops for 7 crowns?
Who are you trying to fool with this fairy tale?
Let's see a video of your magic raiding in high medals where you hit higher bases than your offense, getting 3 NTGs regularly with 3 stars and not spending tactics/generals/mercs and more than 7 crowns.
I'm guessing your wonder is also Pentagon being French.
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Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
You came up with videos, respect for that at least.
Either way, French TC sniping, you could have said it at the start. You aren't actually beating these bases (like you made it up to be), you're suiciding on them, ignoring defenses and defenders (i.e. all the things that were boosted). But now, after stage 4 which will boost every building you are attacking here by a factor of 2.5× in HP, and stage 5 which will very probably buff walls more than the miners, the TC sniping strategy will become very expensive. You'll see tomorrow after the update. Take a video then as well.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
I never claimed to be optimizing all modes simultaneously. As for resource hunting I got medals, 9M resources, and 10k oil in 15 minutes on targets 50 levels and 1 age higher - hardly an unplayable game.

As the rebalance progresses, adaptable players will find the next optimal method whatever that is. For example, I can convert the unused scouts and ACs to tanks, throw in a damage blessing, swap out hitpoints artis for damage artis and then my DPS more than doubles.

After the next update, I’ll just let my medals demonstrate the games playability. Thanks to everyone who PMd with support!


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
Good luck collecting NTGs with 2 star QVs which will be the only thing you can do.

Kev's Empire

Approved user
Nov 8, 2016
It's nice to have a strong base that can withstand attacks but this is NOT a defensive game. If your priority is to defend your resources you're misguided, imo. What you might lose in defenses can be easily made up in one or two attacks.
And besides, what about when YOU want to attack?
Do you still like the changes to base defenses?
If you like defending and collecting RSS, l can recommend Gardenscapes.

I don't just have 1 account and TBH no one has attacked my main account resource base successfully for about a year. So for multi, I didn't care either way for the rebalance. My other account is IA and to be honest I mainly only use it to play WW and yes I can still knock over all IA bases and some GA bases with or without TT cards. Some are certainly more challenging than others. The highest base I was able to 5 star before the rebalance was a Lvl 219 AA base and TBH a Lvl 144 IA base should not be able to take out that Lvl AA base. That's how much it was skewed towards offense. So yes, it is more challenging however that is part of the enjoyment of these types of games. Embrace the change, stop complaining about it and get on with adapting to the new world.

Kev's Empire

Approved user
Nov 8, 2016
My last post hasn't seem to have made it up. Anyway, no one has attacked my main account resource base successfully for about a year. So the rebalance for multi is neither here nor there. For War I'm happy about.

I have a Lvl 144 Industrial age account n the highest account I have hit for 5 stars before the rebalance was a Lvl 219 Atomic age and I'm sorry however a Lvl 144 Industrial should not be able to take out an atomic age base that high. The Industrial age account can still 5 star any Industrial age base with 0TT n some lower Global bases with cards which is what they should be able to do. So either way you look at it, I have no issues with the rebalance.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
No Angel
That's another game l never would've tried if it wasn't part of the supersonic crown offers. I'm sure l never got the crowns either.
I might download it again as my CW base is practically dead.
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