Crown Sellers in Alliance Chat

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Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2015
Recently we have seen illegal crown sellers spamming chat within Alliance chat rooms. We know that this is alarming to the community. They are only broadcasting the message, and not manipulating player’s accounts. We are currently working on a resolution to keep this from occurring. In the meantime we wanted to address illegal crown sellers.

Illegal crown sellers are responsible for the majority of all account thefts, and the number one source of phishing attempts, spyware and even credit card theft. Players who actively buy illegal crowns support spam, hacks, keyloggers and diminish the gameplay experience for the entire community.

Do not buy illegal crowns. They are not worth the risk of credit card theft and will lead to your account being banned. By visiting their websites and providing them information, they can add malicious add-ons and access your device without your permission. Players who support them are making DomiNations worse for everyone. When we catch players who have obtained illegal crowns through sources outside of the game, we ban those players accounts.

We are always looking to improve DomiNations. With your help we will show these cheaters what a great community we are!
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