May 16, 2015
Since I got hacked 10x in a row and village swap was my 11th issue that I was able to experience, I noticed that cs rep do not pay attention on important details of what previous rep was able to accomplish and what issues are still waiting to get fix.

There was this instance that I made a followup about my hack issue when I got changed to industrial age.Several rep handled the fix but since not all buildings were fixed and the goals and achievements are for industrial age Ive sent them a message to fix it completely and also I disputed the 1k crowns for reaching the empire league which I did not claim from the achievements since I dont want it to be included on the hackers crowns. They usually reply to me around 1 to 3am on my time so i have no choice but to wait for them no matter how sleepy I am.Previous guy fixed my achievements that allowed me to claim the 1k crowns.

After few days another guy fixed the remaining industrial age access.Which i posted in forums so they will give attention to it. When I was talking to him he asked me these lines.."SO I OWE YOU 2500 CROWNS? I got confused with what he was talking about then I realized maybe he was referring to the 1k crowns. Then I said NO,YOU DONT OWE ME ANYTHING..Previous rep already fixed my achievements and I was able to claim the 1k crowns..It made me wonder how much will the company will be losing If this reps doesnt practice attention to detail skill..If Im the type of customer who takes advantage of it and just say YES YOU OWE ME THAT or customer who keeps on complaining just to get compensation Its going to be a HUGE LOSS on their end. I even got charge for overseas call when I called apple US and did basic troubleshooting with them when my game did not load after the hack issue but I did not even ask for refund from your company.Imagine how many players with village swap issues that until now still exist?My team and I are active on sending screenshots of bases who has excess buildings which is not suppose to be our jobs but we do it just to achieve fairplay in this game but in return some of the reps even argued with us when we complain. My players and I doesnt have unlimited patience.All you have to do is to treat us in a professsional manner and give us good customer service that we deserve after all customers is the essence of your job's existence..


Approved user
May 11, 2015
Thats weird, every mishap that ive come into ive never gotten any compensation just a we are sorry. lol... so from yours to mine i think itd even out


May 16, 2015
they apologized to me once.The first guy who fixed my hack issue and remove the hackers crowns on my account..I could say he was professional when he talked to me..


Apr 9, 2015
Well, at least it is more or less good crowns amount. You should probably take it instead of writing )))