Defensive blessings


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
May I propose that your blessings remain active if you win a defense?
hate it when someone loots my resources, not gain any stars and I need to invest in getting all my blessings back in place.

Now, it seems that whenever you get attacked regardless if you win or lose, you lose your blessings.
Sometimes they remain but I suspect this is more of a ... bug (perhaps) than a feature. Unless someone can tell me the circumstances under which blessings remain after a defense.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2016
Blessings are meant to be either timed or for one time use. If the defensive blessings helped in a successful defense (additional forest defenders triggered, the few buildings that were destroyed had higher hit points through the fortification blessing, the towers that shot at the invading units caused extra damage due to a tower blessing, etc.), the blessing should be done with. I believe this is what is happening in the game right now.
By extension of the argument here, would it be appropriate to have the offensive blessings (such as armor blessing, weapon blessing, loot blessing) active after a successful win on offense? I don't think so. On the same lines, I don't think it would be a good idea to have the defensive blessings active after a successful defense.


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
I see your point. However I still would like the blessings to remain after an successful defense.